Sitzungsprotokolle des Fachschaftsrates

Present:Alexander Rogovskyy, Max Walter, Lukas Abelt, Clemens Beining, Manuel Messerig, Sophie Kohler, Keerthana Burly (till: 18:37), Munem Shahriar, Anton Voran, Mona Schappert (till: 18:15), Ferdinand Könneker, Anton Wittig, Jaidev Dave, Vikram Singh, Nils Alznauer (from: 17:28), Julian Baldus, Simon Döring (from: 18:19), Daniel Wägner, Prof. Martina Maggio (till: 18:07), Daniel Butz
Moderator:Manuel Messerig
Minute taker:Anton Voran


Programming Lectures

There is not much news on our inquiry for more practical lectures. However, if we broaden the scope of language to e.g. Rust or Python, there might be more luck.


The breakfast will take place on friday, where we will offer curry. We need to clean up the room until then. Also set up the tables tomorrow afternoon if you have time.

Permanent Loan

Lukas has some rarely-used things in his basement. He offers to loan it to us permanently. We probably do not have the capacity of storage. We will take a look at the cage and see how we can rearrange storage and see whether it is feasible at all.


We have started with flyering for the NEXT. We also got a lot more posters from KWT which we will hang up soon. We still need people for construction and the day of the fair itself. Anybody who is helping gets free food that day and food/drink vouchers at the summer BBQ.


The next Gamenight will take place on 23rd of June. Many people had time on that day, there will be a shift for construction, during the gamenight and for deconstruction.
Manuel would like to buy some more games in english. We voted on it (majority in favour, 0 against, 2 abstaining).


One leg of the Schwenker is broken. Right now we were able to temporarily fix it. We will need to investigate how severe the damage is, and check back with the Computational Linguistics for whom is responsible and pays for the repairs.
We consider to charge a maintenance fee in future as we are out of cleaning utensils etc.