Sitzungsprotokolle des Fachschaftsrates

Present:Christian Baldus, Janosch Gräf, Sebastian Kappler, Alex Schlosser, Jonas Teshome (from: 12:23), Anna Reindl, Christian Willms, Jannis Froese, Sebastian Weber
Moderator:Janosch Gräf
Minute taker:Alex Schlosser


Buying new hardware

We want to buy new Mice/Keyboards and some Cables for our staff room, a new Coffeemaker for the breakfasts and Whiteboardmarkers.

New First-Aid-Kit

The first aid kit in the students council room has expired, we informed Erich Reindel.

Ancient Documents

We want to properly dispose of documents older than 10 years.


Anna presents her sketches for the T-Shirt design. She will order a shirt for everyone.

Mailbox Labels

Nikolas will change the labels on our Mailbox, if anyone does not want to have their name on the mailbox they should contact Nikolas.


Jonas reports on the progress of Step organization.


The Fit-Team needs new members to replace falling out members in the near future.

Free Beer

We want to repeat our very successful Get-Together in the first week of the semester.