Sitzungsprotokolle des Fachschaftsrates

Present:Jannis Froese, Janosch Gräf, Jonas Teshome (from: 18:35), Nicolas Erbach, Tanapuch Wanwarang, Thomas Haslbauer, Dominic Zimmer, Dorian Reineccius, Noshaba Cheema, Philip Wellnitz
Moderator:Nicolas Erbach
Minute taker:Thomas Haslbauer


Who do we represent?

After the last FSK, we talked with the representative from AStA:
- The engineering department has only one person in the student's council, so reaching them is hard, so we just talked with the AStA
- together with the AStA guy, we decided that we represent
- Eingebettete Systeme (BSc)
- Embedded Systems (MSc)
- CuK: Eingebettete Systeme (BSc)
- But we DO NOT represent
- "CuK: Elektro- und Informationstechnik" (BSc)
- CuK (BSc)
- Computer and Communications Technologies (MSc)

FSK - Fachschaftsrahmensatzung

Lots of discussion about the new Fachschaftsrahmensatzung, very controversial.
We actually found out that the StuPa wanted our feedback and wouldn't push the changes without our approval.
It became clear that there has to be a lot more discussion about it, so there's another FSK next Monday, the 19th of June, 18:30.


Should we do something at the Campus-Fest? (it's on Friday, 7th of July)
- Organise VR goggles?
- We will collect ideas until next week (something related to CS!)

updates on NEXT

The 3rd of July will be proposed as the date for the NEXT dinner, at around 7 or 8 pm.
On 4th of July, we will have our wrap up meeting with KWT.

Next student's council meeting

We will move the student's council's meeting to Wednesday, so that we can arrive at the FSK in force.