Sitzungsprotokolle des Fachschaftsrates

Present:Alexander Dax, Dominic Zimmer (from: 14:22), Dorian Reineccius, Jannis Froese (from: 14:30), Nicolas Erbach, Nils Alznauer, Philip Wellnitz, Sarah Hoffmann, Simon Anell, Sven Ehses, Thomas Haslbauer, Julian Baldus, Julian Dörfler, Kai Vogelgesang, Christian Baldus (from: 14:37)
Moderator:Nils Alznauer
Minute taker:Thomas Haslbauer


Graduate Party

We will support the Graduate Party with 11€ per student. The decision was 8/1/0 (for/against/abstain)

Upcoming Events

We will organise a breakfast and a pub crawl soon, more concrete dates will be announced.
The campus job fair "next" will be on the 17th of May.
There will also be the campus wide students' councils' elections at the end of May.

doodle for students' rooms' cleaning

We will clean on sunday after the retreat.

Future meetings

Monday, 2pm is not sustainable. There will be a dudle from Simon.