Sitzungsprotokolle des Fachschaftsrates

Present:Beste Ekmen (till: 14:11), David Bach, Dion Schirr, Dominic Zimmer, Jesko Dujmovic, Julian Baldus, Julian Dörfler, Kai Vogelgesang, Nils Alznauer, Simon Anell, Sven Ehses, Nicolas Erbach, Sven Tangermann (from: 13:36), Simon Döring, Egla Hajdini, Alex Rogovskyy, Karl Schrader (from: 14:11)
Moderator:Nils Alznauer
Minute taker:Jesko Dujmovic


StEP report

We discussed the feedback to the "StudentenEinführungsPhase". The students thought it was good for the most part, but the schedule could be communicated more clearly since there was some confusion about the timing of the lectures.


We have a new git management system it is a Gitlab and you can find it at . This is free for every cs student.

Update on the KIF

We discussed who wants to go to the KIF 46,5 (conference for computer science representative councils). Julian B, Benedikt and David will go. They have a plan how to distribute their costs among them.

T Shirt

Some people want student council shirt. The ones who want this shirt talk to David.

Introductory lecture

Some people will help Sabine to distribute free drinks and food at the introductory lecture.

Upcoming events

The upcoming events in this semester are the breakfast this Thursday, the Nikofete on the 6th December, a pubcrawl in around 3 or 4 weeks, and a LAN party on the 1st or 2nd December.

Voluntary Member

We accepted Egla, Karl and Alex Rogovskyy as voluntary members on trial.
We accepted Sven as a full voluntary member.

New meeting timeslot

The next meeting will determined by Nils in a doodle.