Sitzungsprotokolle des Fachschaftsrates

Present:Alexander Dax, Annabelle Weber (till: 19:32), Benedikt Schardt, Beste Ekmen, David Bach, Dion Schirr, Dominic Zimmer, Jesko Dujmovic, Julian Baldus, Julian Dörfler, Kai Vogelgesang, Philip Wellnitz, Simon Anell, Sven Ehses (till: 18:46), Nicolas Erbach, Sven Tangermann, Simon Döring, Karl Schrader, Steven Uder, Henrik Köster, Alexander Rogovskyy, Clemens Beining (till: 19:21)
Moderator:Simon Anell
Minute taker:Kai Vogelgesang


StEP Master Document

The StEP Team created a document which includes everything a new (especially international) master student needs to know (how to find a place to stay, bank account etc). Special thanks to Beste, Sven, Nic and everyone involved!
The document is finished and will be published on our website. It also will be sent to master students at the right time and be published in some wayat the new faculty website.

We will also translate the relevant information for Bachelor students.

GitLab & Wiki

There is now a GitLab on, intended to hold our council work documentation and replace titania.
It needs to hold FIS information, which should be on a server under our control.
It is also open to students for personal project, but thats not the main point.
The faculty already hosts gogs, which uses student accounts (so no registration required).
Gogs ist not usable without an uni account, but the FIS includes members who are not at the university anymore so they can not use gogs.
Simon A. will talk to the gogs admin, further discussion next week

Ticket Party

Its time to clean our rooms again.
Nic will set up a doodle for the next 2-3 weeks.
This is also a good opportunity to build the shelves.


We had our first breakfast last week. We had too much food left, probably not enough advertising (No posters and facebook events).
International students can be apparently reached better using facebook, Beste will take care of that.
We also talk to the sic-website team to publish the events.

Pub Crawl

VSLT and Anglistics want to organize a pub crawl together with us. We are happy to join with these two awesome faculties again!


There is a huge backlog of printer registrations and thesis prints.
Some printer related jobs can be done by any council member. Nic will create a wiki page with documentation on how to do them.
There is also some data protection related document which needs to be completed and sent to AStA.

Council Group Picture

We will take a group picture before the meeting in two weeks.

New Volunteers

Steven, Henrik and Clemens are interested in joining the council as voluntary members.
They are accepted as new volunteers on trial.