Sitzungsprotokolle des Fachschaftsrates

Present:Alexander Dax, Annabelle Weber, Benedikt Schardt, Beste Ekmen, David Bach (from: 20:04), Dion Schirr, Dominic Zimmer (from 18:32, till: 19:10), Jesko Dujmovic, Julian Baldus (till: 19:10), Julian Dörfler, Kai Vogelgesang, Nils Alznauer, Philip Wellnitz, Sven Ehses, Nicolas Erbach, Huyen Vu Thi Thanh, Sven Tangermann, Simon Döring, Nicolas Schmitt, Clemens Beining, Alexander Rogovskyy (till: 19:14), Henrik Köster, Karl Schrader
Moderator:Nils Alznauer
Minute taker:Sven Ehses


KIF Reports

The Report:
In the beginning there was a Plenum. The interesting thing was a talk from someone from the GI (Gesellschaft Informatik), which said that whenever we need to be financed at some point, they may be able to help.
They introduced The KIF e.V., which supports the universities hosting the KIF. This may be interesting for us, since Simon asked if we may host the KIF once (they organize money).
AK's: Studentisch organisierte Lehre: they talked about tutorials or tutor seminars, how to make the grading more reliable, lecture organized by students, etc.

DSGVO: official privacy checker, but the actual regulations differ from university and county, we may need one (we have to talk about it).

Saving the Nature: we can improve the students council life, we may want to create a task force.
Life after university? Some other universities are organizing presentations from some companies to bring up oppurtunities for students, whereas the companies have to pay for the talks to participate.

-CHE Ranking: there are some problems with the CHE ranking, since some universtities" can fake" this ranking. This AK was building up a paper to hand out to students, where the risks and some other scores are listed for each university. For further information, visit: (only in german)

- Overnight events: since we can access the buildings in the computer science departements at any time during the day, we do not have real problems.

- ensure gender neutral toilets, which is not currently applied at the university

A Report of the KIF is currently in progress.

Here all results from the KIF

AStA Opening Party

The building was closed from Friday to Sunday. Half a year ago, after this party, the building (bottles, vomit, ..) was not clean . This year, to prevent this, everyone (also employees) were kicked out for the weekend, however, the employees were informed a long time before. The students were informend short in time, this should be changed the next time.
We will talk to Erich Reindel and Sabine Lessel about this.

Another solution instead of building closure maybe is to let the AStA pay for a security guard, which prevents drunk people to misbehave inside the building or let them clean up.


We have a breakfast this Thursday at 10am.