Sitzungsprotokolle des Fachschaftsrates

Present:Alexander Dax, David Bach, Dion Schirr, Jesko Dujmovic, Julian Baldus, Julian Dörfler, Kai Vogelgesang, Nils Alznauer (till: 19:14), Simon Anell, Sven Ehses, Clemens Beining, Manuel Messerig, Nicolas Schmitt, Alexander Rogovskyy
Moderator:Nils Alznauer
Minute taker:Sven Ehses


Data Science and Artificial Intelligence

Professor Dittrich presented an idea he had about the future of our faculty.


We have a lot of different posters and announcements at our pinboard. Every Poster has to have a due date as well as a stamp from the council. In order to get this stamp, the poster/announcement has to be presented to student council members.

LAN Party

Manuel from the E Sports Group asks for a LAN Party. The HIZ refused to help us out with switches and routers. We have to buy the equipment by ourselves. Until we do not have this equipment, we are not able to host one.

Domain name

Jesko asks again about ideas for a domain name for the students council.


David presents the outcomes of the FSK:
* The SaarVV wants to raise the money for the Semesterticket.
* In the upcoming semester, there will be new elections. The election system will be the same as last year.

Visual Computing Examination Board

We are looking for people to participate at the examination board for Visual Computing.

We will send David Bach and Alexander Dax.

Council Meeting

This meeting is the last official meeting within the semester. Nils will send a dudle to find a new meeting slot.