Sitzungsprotokolle des Fachschaftsrates

Present:David Bach, Dion Schirr, Dominic Zimmer, Jesko Dujmovic, Julian Baldus, Kai Vogelgesang, Philip Wellnitz, Sven Ehses, Sven Tangermann, Clemens Beining, Karl Schrader, Henrik Köster
Moderator:Philip Wellnitz
Minute taker:Sven Ehses



There is a feedback form for the next helpers, please fill it out.

Appointment commitees

We were asked to send representatives to two appointment commitees.
We will send Jesko and Karl to one of them and Jesko and Kai to the other one.

Email Situation

Sometimes important E-mails for the students council are not forwarded to all members. Please send important mails to the mail address and not to individual members (if something happens to be send to only a single person, that person should forward that message to contact@...)

Tag der offenen Tür (Open House Day)

On 25th May, the computer science department will celebrate the 50th aniversary of the department and an Open House Day. The students' council will help.

Sven will send a dudle.


This week thursday, there will be again a breakfast. We will see you there.

Old-Exam thought protocol

In order to get some thought protocols of exams, we went to the "Nebenläufige Programmierung" exam and asked students right after the exam to write down memorys of the exam in return to some sweets.
As a result, it went well and we voted that we will continue collecting these thought protocols. The next exam we will collect thought protocol is the "Informationssysteme" on 4th of June at 13:45 (E2 2, E2 5 HS1).
Also, we will pay back dominic the price for the sweets.