Sitzungsprotokolle des Fachschaftsrates

Present:Nils Alznauer, David Bach, Clemens Beining, Adrian Dapprich, Simon Döring, Sven Ehses, Atul Jha, Benedikt Schardt, Sven Tangermann, Kai Vogelgesang (till: 16:52), Elena Werny, Alexander Rogovskyy, Karl Schrader, Dominic Zimmer (till: 16:21)
Moderator:Nils Alznauer
Minute taker:Nils Alznauer


Summer BBQ

This week on Thursday, there will be our Summer BBQ in the lawn in front of E22.

For the helpers, we decided to restrict the amount of free food and drinks (you will be instructed). We voted on that the people having their shifts should restrict themselves (reasonable amount of drinks/food).

We decided to buy chicken for this year.
Also, we decided that Karl will buy some vegan food options.

For the next year, we will consider also getting more vegan and vegetarian food options.

Board Game Night

There will be a game night at 18th of July(Thursday next Week) in E1.1 Room 407 at 6 pm. We will offer our board games, but if you like to bring an own game, feel free to do so.
Moreover, we will offer some snacks and drinks. In the evening we will order Pizza (not free).

We will ask the FIS for money.