Sitzungsprotokolle des Fachschaftsrates

Present:Nils Alznauer, Julian Baldus, Clemens Beining, Adrian Dapprich, Simon Döring, Atul Jha (till: 19:09), Henrik Köster, Benedikt Schardt, Sven Tangermann (from: 18:27), Kai Vogelgesang, Nicolas Erbach, Nicolas Schmitt
Moderator:Nils Alznauer
Minute taker:Adrian Dapprich


Send members to DSAI examination board

As always we are to send two members to the meetings of the DSAI examination board.

We are going to submit Nils A, Benedikt and Kai.


Our StEP will be 7.10 - 11.10. If you want to help us please send us an email.

Busy Beaver

At 4pm we will prepare the preparatory lecture. Afterwards we help clean up.

We will hand out the busy beaver award during the preparatory lecture.
Atul will present the awards.

Thesis print hardware

For people who want to print their theses to CD we could buy an external CD burner.

We voted unanimously to buy an external CD burner. (20 Euro)

Ticket Party

Since the last ticket party had an abysmal attendance we will organize another one.
Nils will announce the date on the first meeting in the new semester. A dudle will follow.

First Meeting

The first meeting of the new semester will be on Monday 14.10.2019 at 2pm.