Sitzungsprotokolle des Fachschaftsrates

Present:Nils Alznauer, Julian Baldus, Clemens Beining, Adrian Dapprich, Benedikt Schardt, Kai Vogelgesang (from: 15:44), Elena Werny, Nicolas Erbach, Alexander Rogovskyy, Karl Schrader, Daniel Wägner (from: 17:01)
Moderator:Nils Alznauer
Minute taker:Adrian Dapprich


StEP Recap

Master StEP was ok. Beste will soon remove the videos.

Bachelor StEP was well attended (ca 160).

In general there were more questions than usual, both in the Bachelor and Master StEP.

Since some people were asking about a Telegram group of the faculty, Beste planned to create one or forward existing ones.
We will deliberate whether to change anything in our current format and if we will do another mini StEP next semester.

Discord Q&A

In the coming semester we might offer a Q&A on the Discord again.

next Digital

Next week Thursday the next Digital event will take place. As usual companies will present themselves and their job offers.

You can find more info at

Upcoming Elections

Until next Monday, people can send their application to the AStA to be elected. Information about the upcoming elections of all student councils can be found here

If you are interested, join us on our discord.