Sitzungsprotokolle des Fachschaftsrates

Present:Lukas Abelt, Nils Alznauer, Julian Baldus, Clemens Beining, Adrian Dapprich, Manuel Messerig, Lisa Raber, Max Walter, Nicolas Erbach, Munem Shahriar
Moderator:Nils Alznauer
Minute taker:Lukas Abelt


Busy Beaver

The evaluations for the lectures of the winter semester are finished. Adrian and Lukas should receive the evaluation results shortly and will begin to analyze them in order to award the Busy Beaver award.


A lot of companies have expressed interest to attend the Next fair of this year.

We were asked by KWT whether we should restrict the attending companies based on their respective work and reputation.

There was a lot discussion and split opinion among the council. Therefore Karl suggested that we move such companies to the "back of the line".

The council voted on that matter:
In favor: 10
Abstaining: 1
Against: -

Buddy Programme

Nils, Julian, Clemens and Lukas attended a meeting with Prof. Hack on a proposed Buddy Programme for the future students of the International Bachelor Programmes.

These "Buddies" are supposed to help the young, foreign students during the beginning of their studies. For example by showing them the town, dealing with authorities etc.

It is now up to us to discuss the terms and tasks of this Buddy Programme. We set up a "task force" to coordinate our efforts and ask everyone who wants to take part to join it.


Since the summer semester in four weeks, we should start planning the Mini-StEP as well as the Master-StEP and also decide how we will conduct it during the pandemic.
Several people volunteered to start organizing the StEP and will start shortly.