Sitzungsprotokolle des Fachschaftsrates

Present:Lukas Abelt, Ankit Agrawal, Julian Baldus, Clemens Beining, Adrian Dapprich, Simon Döring, Manuel Messerig, Karl Schrader, Daniel Wägner (from: 18:44), Max Walter, Munem Shahriar
Moderator:Simon Döring
Minute taker:Max Walter


New Professor

We planed to invite the new professor to one of our next council meetings.
First there will be a little meeting with him and a group we formed last time.
Lisa is not there so there is nothing new about it.

Buddy Programm

Lukas said that Professor Hack and Reineke wanted to have a buddy programm for the international bachelor students of the new courses of study. There will be a meeting tomorrow at 14:00 with Professor Hack and Reineke. We will discuss the result of this meeting in our next council meeting.

Game Night

The attendance wasn't that good (max. 10 persons). The most people that were there, are student council members. Our discord is maybe not seen as place where you can hang out. A cooperation with the SOFA Discord might be a better idea.
There are people at the SOFA Discord who are not part of the computer science faculty but the most are. It is no big deal to have others joining us but it should be a computer science game night.
The main reason seems to be that we advertised our event too late.
For now you will try to improve our methods of advertising.
- More places to post
- Post infos earlier (min 2 weeks before)
- Infos in English and German
- More infos/text in general
- Arrange with SOFA Discord so there are no overlapping events
Ankit mentioned the game nights of ZiS which take place every Wednesday.
Lukas requested that we could turn it into a regular event.
We start with once a month (first date 11.06.) and we will adjust the frequency then.