Sitzungsprotokolle des Fachschaftsrates

Present:Alexander_Rogovskyy, Adrian_Dapprich (from: 18:42), Lukas_Abelt, Nils_Alznauer, Simon_Döring, Manuel_Messerig, Sophie_Kohler, Keerthana_Burly (from: 18:26), Lisa_Raber (till: 19:30), Munem_Shahriar, Ayush_Sharma (till: 19:50), Nicolas_Erbach, Karl_Schrader, Prof._Lambert (till: 19:00), Anton_Voran (from 18:54, till: 19:30)
Moderator:Manuel Messerig
Minute taker:Lukas Abelt


Deans Lunch

Since we were joined by Prof. Lambert today, we discussed with him the possibility of having a Deans Lunch before the professors brunch of the faculty.

Unfortunately the Deans are already busy on that slot, so we will contact Prof. Lambert and his colleagues to find a suitable slot.

Company Run and Informatiker Lauf-Treff

The Company Run is coming up in a few weeks (24th of June 2022). If you are interested please contact Adrian so he can sign us up as a team.

To prepare for this, Karl plans to offer a running meetup. Karl will send out a Dudle where everyone can enter if they are interested.


We had our first breakfast after two years that happened last friday was a huge success. A lot of people attended and we ran out of stuff considerably earlier than the last time.

However this also meant that our breakfast was also more expensive than before so we cannot have a breakfast on that scale every month with the current system how we pay for it.

We were discussing what options we have for future breakfast. One idea was to simply work out a similar system like Mampfkasse where we we just out a jar and people just voluntarily pay whatever they like and we reuse this money for the next breakfast.

Additionally we should consider the possibility to acquire sponsorships for this. Lukas will also discuss this at the KIF with other students councils if and how they have sponsorships.

Karl brought up the idea of trying to get connected to the University cards payment system in any way. We will check whether this is possible and how complicated it would be.

We also briefly discussed the next breakfast. The suggestion was that we keep the June breakfast small and just distribute ice cream since the weather is just perfect for that.

Universities Open Day

The Univeristies Open Day is coming up this Saturday (21.05.2022). Nils once again asked who can be there.

Manuel has confirmed that he can be there until 13:00

Game Night

Our Game Night is coming up next week in Friday (27.05.2022). We invite everyone to join us at MMCI.

We will have plenty of Board Games but will also host a Super Smash Tournament. You are also welcome to bring your own favorite board game.

We discussed how we want to handle Covid at this event. The suggestion is that everyone has to provide a test that's at most 12 hours old. That is also how the Math Council handled it at their Game Night and this went quite well.

We will offer some snacks and people can buy drinks from us. Additionally we will prepare a group pizza order (everyone pays for themselves).


The NEXT job fair is coming up on June 9th 2022. Feel free to attend the event. It is a great opportunity to get in touch with employers from Saarland and all around Germany.

Alternating Meeting Slot

Currently we have council members who cannot attend regularly on wednesdays.

Therefore we will now continue with an alternating meeting slot, changing between Monday and Wednesday.

Therefore the next meeting slot will be next Monday, May 23rd at 6pm c.t.