Sitzungsprotokolle des Fachschaftsrates

Present:Alexander_Rogovskyy, Max_Walter, Adrian_Dapprich, Lukas_Abelt, Nils_Alznauer, Clemens_Beining, Simon_Döring, Manuel_Messerig, Sophie_Kohler, Lisa_Raber, Munem_Shahriar, Ayush_Sharma, Nicolas_Erbach, Julian_Baldus, Cecilia_Klein
Moderator:Manuel Messerig
Minute taker:Lukas Abelt



The NEXT job fair is coming up on June 9th 2022. Feel free to attend the event. It is a great opportunity to get in touch with companies from Saarland and all around Germany.

Students' Council Seminar Room

A while ago we discussed opening the Students' Council Seminar room to all students. To enable this, we need to change some parts of the lock so people can enter it even though there is no handle on the outside. Alex will handle this.

Once we have this installed, we will send out an announcement to our social media so that everybody knows that it is available.

Open Day

We had the Universities Open Day was this past Saturday. Some of our members were there and presented the course of study.

We discussed whether we want to do more of our own program as a students' council. Generally this could be also a good way to present ourselves to prospective students and potentially recruit some new members.

This is a topic we or the next Students' Council should discuss before the next Open Day. We set up a reminder for this in the Telegram group.

9 Euro Ticket

We just want to remind everyone that from June till August your Students' Card can be used to the same terms as the 9 Euro Ticket.
This means during that time you can use your ticket on all regional trains (Not included: IC, ICE, EC and other long-distance trains) in Germany.

For detailled information please refer to the AStA Website:

Office Supplies

We have ordered some office supplies. Those that are ordered through AStA will take some time to arrive since they order them on bulk for all councils.

However our new switched and cables have arrived and have been installed.

Game Night

Our Game Night is coming up this week on Friday (27.05.2022). We invite everyone to join us at MMCI.

We will have plenty of Board Games but will also host a Super Smash Tournament. You are also welcome to bring your own favorite board game.

Manuel has asked anyone who is available to help during the organization at the event (Checking Covid Tests, selling drinks)

To organize snacks and drinks, Manuel asked to request a budget from FIS for the initial investments. The snacks will be free and the drinks will be sold for 1€. For the future game nights this should be financed with the money optaine from reselling the drinks.

We put to a vote whether Manuel requests 240€ for this from the FIS.
The vote was unanimous to request this money.

Seminar Rooms in E1.3

The seminar rooms in E1.3 have been repainted over the weekend and now look much nicer than before.

Company Run

Adrian has reminded us that the registration deadline for the company run is coming up on May 30th. Everybody who wants to participate should contact Adrian and he will handle the registration and team assignment for everyone.