Sitzungsprotokolle des Fachschaftsrates

Present:Alexander_Rogovskyy, Lukas_Abelt, Nils_Alznauer, Clemens_Beining (till: 18:37), Simon_Döring, Manuel_Messerig, Keerthana_Burly (till: 19:06), Ayush_Sharma (till: 18:44), Nicolas_Erbach, daniel, Anton_Voran (till: 19:17), Mona_Schappert
Moderator:Manuel Messerig
Minute taker:Lukas Abelt


Letter Template

We have a new letter template in LaTeX and Word.

It will be available shortly in the Cloud and GitLab.

Ice Cream - Lessons Learned

Last week we had the ice cream distribution as a replacement for our breakfast in June.

Generally it went really well, but we had some cooling problems, which led to the ice cream becoming rather runny. However people were still happy about the ice cream.
For the next time it might be a good idea to buy the ice cream at least one day before so it can freeze through properly.

There is around 25-30% left of the ice cream. It has been declared Free-For-All.

Game Night

Manuel suggested to host another game night before the end of the semester.

He suggested to do this either on 14th or 15th of July, which would leave enough time before the bigger exams. Otherwise we could host it somewhere in August after all main exams.

Some people suggested that August may be a bad time since a lot of students may be on vacation or going to their homecountry.

Manuel suggested to just host a game night both next week and in August. That way we can check out how well events are received during the semester break.
We decided to set the game night for next week on Friday. Manuel will get in touch with MMCI and the Prog2 people to get everything organized. Manuel will send out a Dudle to organize everything.

There will also be another gamenight on August 12th.

Summer BBQ

Our joint Summer BBQ with the Math Council is coming up this week on Thursday.

Lukas gave us a brief update on the current planning status. He also gave a brief overview of the shift plan and explained the roles. In theory shifts are assigned until 10pm, but we do not expect it to actually take that long.

Additionally if you want to donate a salad, feel free to enter this form
As a compensation you will receive a voucher for a free drink and Schwenker items.

Deans Lunch

We want to bring back the Deans' Lunch in order to network with the Professors and have a more casual way of bringing up issues with them.

Alex already wrote with Prof. Demberg and she suggested some dates. We deceided to host the Deans' Lunch on August 1st. Alex will write a mail to set up everything.
Simon will collect topics we want to discuss during this meeting.

We will also advertise the Deans' Lunch among students to collect topics.

Future Breakfasts & Event Organisation

Lukas has informed us that he will be going to Portugal starting in October until March.
Therefore we need to find someone else who will organise our Breakfasts and Nikofete. If you are interested in that, contact Lukas.