Sitzungsprotokolle des Fachschaftsrates

Present:Alexander Rogovskyy (from: 17:33), Max Walter, Nils Alznauer, Clemens Beining, Simon Döring, Manuel Messerig, Sophie Kohler (till: 17:51), Keerthana Burly (till: 17:20), Lisa Raber (till: 17:49), Munem Shahriar, Nicolas Erbach, Julian Baldus (from: 16:20), David Bach (till: 17:44), Anton Voran, Mona Schappert (from: 16:53), Gideon Geier (till: 17:30)
Moderator:Manuel Messerig
Minute taker:Anton Voran


Deans Lunch

Before the pandemic we used to have a Deans Lunch, where the Deans, Study Coordination, the Students Council and everybody who wanted met up. It was used to get to know each other and discussed about the current topics in the Computer Science Department. During the pandemic this could not happen anymore. We would like to revive the tradition and would like to organise another Deans Lunch this semester, probably on a Monday or Tuesday. The Vice Dean is also very positive about a Deans Lunch.

Discussion with the Vice Dean

The Vice Dean Prof. Dr. Maggio joined our meeting today, where we discussed some topics:
Qualis evaluations:
We want the Qualis evaluations to be more used. We talked about this with the Vice Dean and came to the following agreement: She will talk to the professors that they will do the Qualis in the beginning of a lecture. Furthermore she will reach out to the Qualis People that they publish all links at the same time. Then they will send it to the Vice Dean who forwards it to us (to forward it to Erich), such that we can send an Email to everyone.

Ticket Party

The ticket party will take place on 19th and 20th of November starting at 10. There are basically no valid excuses.
We should check our cleaning materials before the party starts, but we already have some. We will order pizza. Nicolas and Lisa have a big priority queue for the jobs that need to be done.

Cleaning Schedule

Back in the day we had a Cleaning Schedule. Each week or so there were 2 people which should make sure that the room was not that messy. This does not mean that people are not responsible for their own stuff anymore. We decided to have a cleaning schedule.

New Meeting Time Slot

As there is a new semester we need to have a new Meeting time slot. Manuel sends out a doodle after the meeting, which is due until Saturday. If you really have no time (e.g. a lecture) then do a cross, if you don't want the time slot, fill out a question mark, otherwise tick the time slot.

Pub crawl with the Anglistics

Previously we collaborated with the Anglistics for the pub crawl. It is currently planned for the 18th of November. As the Ticket Party is the day after, we would like to reschedule. There will be a "I will be there"-poll in the big students council group. This is non-bindingly as they need to know how many students sign up first. The FiS offers to sponsor the first round. The Anglistics will design a flyer. AStA organised lots of pub crawls before, so we can ask them about infomration.


There will be students council Elections in this semester. The application phase for candidacy is only next week. The AStA then will take two weeks to take a look at it. Double-check what they will be doing. From the 21th of November the website will be online again, and from the 28th on you are able to vote. The results will be determined on 05th of December. We will print posters.

Game Night

The computer science councils game night is big enough to accomodate also CoLi-students. We can collobarate on our game nights or better schedule that there are no collisions. Also check back with the Maths and Physics council
The next game night is planned to take place on 02th of December.

Opening Times

We had a compromise of when the opening times will be, but it does not work for all people. We would like to write an Email to the responsible persons. We search for people who started during Corona to test this. For council members this is not feasible as we are special.


Lukas, Nils and Clemens attended the FSK. There is a new AStA with new Leaders, which are the same as always. There will be saving measures, e.g. the libraries might be closed or only partially open during this. The garages are closed during the nights and the weekends. However the street lights are not able to be turned of. Next week on the Weekend there will be the Semeter opening party of the AStA. The Students numbers are the same, there are still no rooms available for students. The 300€ Heizkostenausgleich for students won't be there until march. There are discussions about the 49€-ticket, as 30€ for just Saarland is a little much if you can pay 50€ for being able to travel all over germany. Akredittierungen for Hochschulgruppen are now.

Poster slots

It is not really fair that the university can hang up posters anywhere, but we cannot hang up posters at important positions, e.g. Günter-Hotz-Hörsaal. We will contact Natalia about this, and ask her to order more frames for doors.