Sitzungsprotokolle des Fachschaftsrates

Present:Alexander Rogovskyy (from: 16:27), Lukas Abelt, Clemens Beining, Manuel Messerig, Sophie Kohler, Anton Voran, Ferdinand Könneker (till: 16:34), Daniel Butz, Thuong Le
Moderator:Manuel Messerig
Minute taker:Anton Voran


SE-Lab complaints

We discussed multiple more general points about the SE-lab. There are some structural issues we would like to address. Ferdinand will be behind this topic and we will inform you if there are news.


Last Week the first FSK took place. There were some important topics to us:
Next week the semester opening party takes place. You should have gotten an information email already. If you volunteer to help, you get free entry.
The student council elections draw closer. They are once again fully online. You can register your application in the week of 21th to 26th of November. After the applications were approved, there is a week where your application will be visible on the election website. After that, in the week the 11th to 15th. of December. The constitutional meeting will take place sometime in January.
If you want to get elected, a great way to get known to the other students is to help at the winter party which will take place the week before.
Even if you are not running for the student council, it is important to vote as it does matter who your representatives are.

Coffee Machine

The Coffee Machine in E1 3 apparently breaks regularly. Often students make it even worse by throwing additional coins in it. We will hang up a sign to inform students to just leave the coffee machine be if it is out of order. Additional we will inform the operator about it, so they can take the appropriate measures. Daniel will take care of this.


Next week Thursday we will offer a breakfast. Despite the usual we will offer pumpkin soup.


The FIS informs about their recent acquisitions they made over the last few weeks:
- We now have a big pot to make hot chocolate after it somehow got burned at the last Nikofete/Winter Party
- We have a new coffee machine to use during breakfasts. It was pretty expensive, so be careful when using it. We want to give the old coffee machines to other student councils if they do not own any yet.

Verfügungsraum Esports

The university esports group wants to rent out the Verfügungsraum Wednesdays, from 18:00 on. In general we do not have anything against, they are usually trustworthy. We only require them to leave the room clean, otherwise we will revoke our agreement. We will have a formal vote in the next meeting.
The group hosts a Smash Bros. meet-up which is intended to be free and open to attend.

Deans Lunch

We have a Lunch with the Deans and other important people at the department every semester to discuss long-term topics and other things. All students can suggest topics, contact Alex if you are interested ( However the meeting itself will not be open for everybody to join, as there will be some confidential topics too.
The Deans Lunch will take place in the second half of November, the exact date will follow.