Sitzungsprotokolle des Fachschaftsrates

Present:Alexander Rogovskyy, Max Walter (from: 16:36), Lukas Abelt, Clemens Beining, Manuel Messerig, Sophie Kohler, Anton Voran (from: 16:22), Mona Schappert, Anton Wittig (from: 16:24), Adrian Dapprich (from 17:30, till: 17:48), Daniel Wägner, Jan-Phillip, Felix Thiel
Moderator:Manuel Messerig
Minute taker:Felix Thiel


CIP- Pools

The leader of the CIP-Pools has changed, and we are allowed to make some wishes. We were asked if they should remain, or if they should be changed to a notebook room. We know that some pc are still required, as we see that these are used. However, we find that these pcs are not of high quality and will adress this.

Voluntary Members

We voted for Felix Thiel to be accepted as a voluntary member if he so wishes (7 in favour, 1 against).
Same holds for Jan-Philip Fonfada (5 in favour, 3 against).
Both accepted the outcome. We welcome them as new voluntary members.

Cloud Infrastructure Restructure

Daniel proposed restructure of our cloud infrastructure as the current one is pretty messy. We think the proposal is reasonable. The restructure will happen over the next few months


The Nikofete will take place next Wednesday. The planning is almost complete, the shift plan will be created the next few days. There are 6 type of shifts, which are pretty self-explanatory. Glühwein means that you are supposed to take care of all drinks. VIP-shifts are there to make sure that everything runs smoothly. Runners are taking care of fixing spontaneous things.
Manuel provided us with a Kitchen-aid and a mixer. People giving out crêpe and waffles are supposed to tell the guests that the Nikofete is a charity event, so people should donate.