Sitzungsprotokolle des Fachschaftsrates

Present:Clemens Beining (from: 16:15), Manuel Messerig (from: 16:15), Sophie Kohler (from: 16:15), Munem Shahriar (from: 16:15), Mona Schappert (from: 16:15), Simon Döring (from: 16:16), Daniel Butz (from: 16:15), Jan-Philipp Fonfara (from: 16:16), Kevin Müller (from: 16:15)
Moderator:Manuel Messerig
Minute taker:Daniel Butz


Semester Ticket

We talked about the idea that the semester ticket could be replaced with a cheaper version of the Deutschlandticket. For this decision an event will be held by the StuPa in GHH at 31.01.2024 at 18:00 (also online). More information will be provided later on the FS website.

Graduation Ceremonies

We collected past experiences and talk about positive and negative changes and how to improve the ceremony. In the past graduates could bring three people at discount in the decorated aula, with Champaign and welcoming on the stage by the dean. The best students in xyz got honored, then individual photos were taken and one big photo of everyone. There was also a location to take photos with your friends or family.
There were proper meals on tables sponsored by the FIS with reduced prices.

This year there is still champagne but no real meals. There will also be photos done but not by a professional photographer. Also it will take place in the GHH in the afternoon, which is missing the gala flair. (There will also be no graduation hats and gowns, as there were not before.) This feels like a cut down which is understandable because of budget cuts but a more gala version of this event would be quite nice.

Getting a professional photographer will introduce a lot of legal paperwork due to being a public event. A big improvement (and without cost) would be to change the location to the aula again, since the aula has an actual stage for the graduates.
Increasing the total time of the event, possible with some afterparty or something similar would also help making the event more memorable.


There will be a regular member meeting where the FIS will talk about what the FIS did the last year and what is planned for the current year. It will be held on the 22.02 18:00 in 109 E1.3.

Guidelines Evaluation CS

We got an email from the study coordination regarding our feedback for the new course evaluation guidelines. It was incorporated into the document, however we are not in time to propose other changes.

Student Council Task Forces

It was noticed that some of our Task Forces taking care of student related topics (e.g. student printer) often are not working well. It then happens that some members are making an overproportional amount of work which is unfair.
TO circumvent this problem it was proposed to make the task forces report about their work regularly. This is also common practice in companies and parliaments to evaluate their work.

We also talked how to handle persons not contributing work in their taskforces. One idea was to put that information public, another one was to not hand out credit points if people are not making their work.

Also having public reports will in point out if something is not working and highlight nice achievements. In some cases having nothing to report is perfectly fine if there was also nothing to be done. After evaluating the reports it would also possible to reassign people to different groups if things don't work out.