Sitzungsprotokolle des Fachschaftsrates

Present:Alexander Rogovskyy (from: 12:16), Max Walter (from 12:17, till: 13:52), Lukas Abelt (till: 13:23), Manuel Messerig (from: 12:16), Anton Voran, Mona Schappert, Ferdinand Könneker (till: 13:09), Daniel Butz, Felix Thiel, Kevin Müller, Lizzie Schmitz, Simon Döring (till: 12:52), Sophie Kohler (till: 12:59), Jan-Philipp Fonfara (from: 12:53)
Moderator:Mona Schappert
Minute taker:Anton Voran


Appointment Committees

- Partly public already, depending on the chair
- Concerns about mixing up mock lecture, scientific presentation, and candidate interviews. However the separation could be done pretty quickly
- usually a mock lecture is part of recurring lecture series. We could make this more public with advertising.
Voting on whether we want to approach the department to make the mock lectures public in general (11 in favour, 0 against, 0 abstaining).
Voting on whether we want the SIC to improve the visibility of talks in general (11 in favour, 0 against, 0 abstaining).

Football Public Screening

We want to publicly screen the European Football Championships. Lukas asked us to help organising drinks during that time, for that there is a poll available. There are already rooms booked.


There are multiple student-council shirt designs which we are currently voting on. There is unclarity about the winner, so we want to make a tie-break vote.
Printing both designs or everybody choosing their favourite is not possible due to financial reasons.
We vote on making the tie-break public (8 in favour, 3 abstaining, 0 against)

Schwenker Supplies

Over the last few weeks we have acquired some more Schwenker Supplies. Lukas will make up a list of the supplies.


We have a seperate seminar room next to our room (Verfügungsraum). Unfortunately it is only really accessible for elected and voluntary members which is a state that can be improved on. There is a yearly discussion to make it open to the public. We asked the facility management on whether it would be possible to change the lock to something more controllable, but that is not possible.
People are in strong favour of wanting it to be open for the public. However there are concerns with students stealing equipment and there is no way to have any control there. However all valuable equipment should be in lockable cabinets or the cage. Also some feel like it is not really necessary with the new seminar rooms, however the student working rooms are primarily for work and the Verfügungsraum would be more for taking a break.
The easiest solution is to advertise the availability of the room better. Also one could make a test-phase of being open in general.
We will put up an advertising poster and reevaluate in a month. If members are very interested, they can create a mini-task-force.


The Fachschaftskonferenz (FSK, Conference of Student Councils) took place last week. The most important topic was Transform4Europe (T4E): An organisation which helps students to do things all over europe. If you have a project or so, they give you funding and other benefits. There is nice presentation/document with all information we are going to distribute.


We have asked the universities PR-department whether we are allowed to use the official UdS-logos. This is indeed the case.

Meeting Minutes

We want to make the meeting minutes more accessible. For that it would be great if there would be a way to discuss the meeting minutes. We voted on whether we want to have this in multiple ways or only one (4 in favour, 2 against, 3 abstaining).
The discussion opportunities will be on a designated Discord Channel and via a Mailing List. Mona will set up the Discord Channel, Kevin will govern the Mailing List.

Lawn behind E1 3

There is a lawn between E1 3 and E1 2, which is not really used right now. We want to open it up to the public, because it would be nice to relax outside during summer. We would need some garden furnishing and similar. The Department would be okay with this. However there are some noise concerns for the seminar rooms and the staff in E1 2. However we think that students will behave themselves if they are asked to be quiet.
There is unclarity on how the lawn would be accessed, because the doors are meant to be emergency exits. We could also use this space for our events.
We voted on opening up (7 in favour, 1 against, 1 abstaining).

Deans Lunch

Last week our Deans Lunch took place, which was a really productive discussion. We also stayed in time for the first time ever. We greeted the new Dean, Prof. Rahmann, who was very happy about working together. For the first time there was a retroperspective of previous topics, which might need some polishing. There will be a protocol, which might be partly publicly accessible, however there are some internal topics on there that cannot be made available.

Study Coordination

For the near future (est. until the end of the semester) the Study Coordination might need a little longer to reply to students and provide counseling than usual. Reasoning behind is that they are testing the at some point coming updated LSF and the Master Application system. We are going to test the system and give feedback.