Sitzungsprotokolle des Fachschaftsrates

Present:Alexander Rogovskyy, Lukas Abelt, Manuel Messerig, Anton Voran, Kevin Müller, Lizzie Schmitz, Abigail Pereira (from: 12:57), Jan-Philipp Fonfara
Moderator:Manuel Messerig
Minute taker:Anton Voran


Task Force Report: Thought Protocols

The thought protocols task force reported their doings:
In total they collected thought protocols of 11 courses: Algorithm and Data Structures, Data Networks, Introduction to Algorithms and Data Structures, Hands-on-Dependability, Linear Algebra, Mathematics for Computer Scientists 3, Numerics, Programming 1, Maths 1 Repetitorial, Security, Space Informatics, Introduction to Theoretical Computer Science.
Behind the Scenes some things changed too: There is now a latex-template for thought protocols and the collection infrastructure has also improved.
For the future we can do better for collecting re-exams. Also there we found a folder with thought protocols from long time ago that needs to be digitalised.


The university theatre group "Thunis" plans a recurring event at computer science in the style of a poetry/science/comedy-slam. Everybody can attend and also give a speech if they want to (with a sign-up at them). They try to establish this at university overall, but at the computer science there it is only place where this could be feasibly done in English.
We can offer support in advertising and booking rooms. If there is need of money, they can also ask the FIS.

International Student Support

The vice-president for internationalisation has invited us (and all infrastructures) to talk about the current situation of international students and how they can be supported. We will send Lizzie and maybe another person to this event to discuss the situation. We do many things to support: events in english, announce everything in english/bilingual, have our introductory event (StEP) bilingual and some

Student council meeting with Qualitätsbüro

We have been invited by the Qualitätsbüro (quality office) to a questionnaire about the current study conditions. Manuel will converse with them.

Perspectives of Computer Science

The Perspective of Computer Science lecture format was not optimal. There was no live lecture in person, but asked students to join the online lecture. A lecture hall was provided, but there was no public livestream. It is not feasible for 250+ students in a lecture hall to join online, because of the unstable wifi on campus.
For the last two weeks almost nobody joined the lecture live, which is suboptimal for all participants. This lead to the organisers to consider not publishing lecture recordings if not more students attend live. This is problematic because students cannot answer the mandatory quiz questions about the lecture, but attending is not possible in this format, so it is not the students fault.

All these issues could be resolved if there would be a live lecture (either as livestream or in presence). The majority of the student council is also of the opinion that having the lecturers physically in the lecture hall is even better for the students (and for the professors) as this course is kind of special and lives from the rotating lecturers. It is also not organisatorially infeasible, it was in presence before the pandemic, a lecture hall was organised and the lectures took all place at the same time.
Manuel will forward this to the organisers in hope that next time these issues will be resolved.
For the next iteration, we want to be aware of this issue, so we can immediately take action if something happens again.

Day of the Open Door

The day of the open Door takes place on 08th of June. We have some activity planned, so we need to distribute shifts. Anton will send a poll around that. Ideally there are 3 or more people per shift, among one of them being a female council member to also appeal to female prospective students.
Alex and Manuel will try out the 4-in-a-row AI and we will print around 150 key caps.

Task tracking tool

We tested out a task tracking tool and decided on Gitlab Issue boards. It worked really well, so we see no reason to not continue actually using it. There is no dedicated mobile app for this, but the browser version works well, and we don't think it will be used much as most things will be organised on a laptop anyways.

Public Screening

We want to host a public screening of the European Championships. We now have an officially signed License Agreement. We need to talk to Facility Management and some other officials because the games might last until after the official opening hours of university. Nils and Lukas will pick up a fridge tomorrow which we will use to sell drinks at the event. Alex, Karl and Daniel think about to also offer Drinks at the occasion. It is not allowed to make profit from this, except drinks and food, i.e. we cannot ask for an entry fee.


Our Student Council shirts are now finally designed. We are currently collecting the names and sizes of the people who will get one. Pricing is currently in discussion. We also want to give shirts to former members who did not have a chance to get one before.

Pub Crawl

On Thursday, we will have a Pub Crawl. It will start at 06pm at Staatstheater. Currently there are around 40-50 participants that have signed up. The team leaders are still being decided.
We will bring a few crates of beer for the students (one beer each). Whatever is left over will be stocked for future events.

Quiz Night

The next Quiz Night will take place on June 20th at Guckelsberg Dormitory. Probably there will be a limit on the amount of teams that can sign up.