Sitzungsprotokolle des Fachschaftsrates

Present:Alexander Rogovskyy, Lukas Abelt (till: 12:40), Manuel Messerig, Anton Voran, Ferdinand Könneker (from: 12:23), Daniel Butz, Felix Thiel, Kevin Müller, Lizzie Schmitz (till: 13:04), Abigail Pereira, Jan-Philipp Fonfara
Moderator:Manuel Messerig
Minute taker:Anton Voran


Pride Month

For Pride Month we want to support our LGBTQIA+ students by putting up posters and information posts. Daniel volunteered to design the posters.
Furthermore we also want to add to the posters that we have a task force for helping affected people and there are also multiple other support places (e.g. AStA, University Equality office etc.)


We want to host another breakfast towards the end of June. We are currently searching for a date. There might be already a sponsor. The lunch we want to offer are hotdogs.

Summer BBQ

Normally we have a drinks trolley (Getränkewagen) with which we distribute drinks. Unfortunately this is not possible this year, so we are switching plans. So we will rent a beer dispenser so it is still possible to offer cool beer. For the rest of the drinks we will store them in the Zeichensaal (Math building) in our new fridge.
We also already got visuals from our sponsor, so we have everything to design posters.
If we have enough people we plan to offer smoothies.

Sponsoring Guidelines

As we are working with sponsors more in the recent time, it would be great to have some guidelines, i.e. explaining why we are doing it.
In addition to normal event sponsoring, we think about a long-term partnership model.
Lukas put up already a first draft.
To acquire more sponsors, we will design business cards so companies have a contact person.

Pub Crawl

The pub crawl last week went really good, around 40 people attended. This is less than expected as some of the students who pre-registered did not show up.
To circumvent that, we might sell tickets, so people actually have a reason to come. However we see problems for this in practise. Also this discourages people to take part in the first place. Maybe we will try it, but we are not sure yet.
We will ask for feedback of the participants about the pubs we visited.


We are unsure about sponsorings in general, as we are not sure how the students perceive them.
From what we heard, students feedback to sponsors is mainly depend on whether the sponsors actually bring something valuable to the event (e.g. free coffee). We will consider this for the sponsoring guidelines.

Day of the Door

We will create a shift plan for the Day of the open Door. We will try to not put people who have a late shift at the game night the day before into an early shift. If you are not happy with your shifts anyways, please contact Anton.
On the day itself the main task is to answer questions by prospective students. We should answer truthfully, but also do not scare people away if possible, but also not raise false expectations. Also there is some person who needs to operate the 4-in-a-row-ai. Also we distribute keycaps.
We voted on whether we want to print 200 keycaps (5 people in favour, 0 against, 2 abstaining)

Social Media

Felix bought a proper microphone for his camera. This means we can now start with the professor interviews. We want to post them as short-form content on social media.
Another idea is to collect the most frequently asked questions as interview questions, e.g. via social media or Discord.