Sitzungsprotokolle des Fachschaftsrates

Present:Alexander Rogovskyy (till: 12:35), Lukas Abelt, Manuel Messerig, Anton Voran (from: 12:32), Ferdinand Könneker, Daniel Butz, Kevin Müller, Lizzie Schmitz (from: 12:20), Abigail Pereira, Karl Schrader, Sophie Kohler, Jan-Philipp Fonfara
Moderator:Manuel Messerig
Minute taker:Kevin Müller


Projekt "Aufklärung"

We've been contacted by an employee of Debeka insurance that wants to offer courses regarding insurances to students “without ulterior motives” and requests us to advertise this. It was raised that this sounds kinda suspicious and that this unpleasantly reminds of MLP.

Nobody agreed to this in the Meinungsbild.

New taskforce "Task overview"

Anton volunteered Kevin to present the idea of introducing some kind of oversight that controls that people actually take care of their assigned tasks.

Apparently, the Task tracker is not well known. An idea raised was to extend the wiki with a list of important links including Zammad, Task tracker, … – Kevin will take care of that.

It was suggested to have a physical post-it / Kanban board. It was raised that having a digital and physical system parallelly leads to confusion: Syncing online to physical is pain, but the inverse direction might be feasible (idea: cron-jobbed photo taking of board). Alternatively, we could just setup a screen. Or we could hang up a poster essentially stating “Do your tasks” as reminder.
Someone would like to have a feedback round regarding the task tracker. Lukas presented the idea to have some kind of workshop/brainstorming on "How to FSR" and "How to do what"; apparently we had the “retreat” for that in the past.

Introducing an oversight person might clash with the principle of subsidiarity in task forces as they might not know task forces' inner workings if they are not a member. It was made concrete that the oversightee would focus on short-term tasks which are typically assigned in meetings; task force internal tasks are out of scope.
It was also raised that having some person dedicated to this is kinda a waste of manpower as we are already lacking in members.

Minutetaker 3.0 might automate this job in the future. Anton states that he has the ambition to implement that some time in the future™.

Kevin volunteered to take over the task of oversight - he will scan meeting minutes and create tasks that are mentioned in them. Anton and Lizzy volunteer as co-oversightees.

KK² updates

The grinder of the coffee machine is broken. Karl – the master of our coffee machine – is not sure whether this can be fixed. The coffee machine might have reached its EOL (there was already an electrical issue few months ago) and might need a replacement.

Getting an oven

Jan-Philipp proposed to get a proper oven. We cannot get Starkstrom but normal Schuko devices are no issue – so ranges are very likely out of the question.

There are doubts about how well the machine would be used. Breakfast does not see a need as well. One attendee stated, that we might have more cake though.

We have the multi-use microwave. Most attendees think that it suffices.

We'll revisit this topic in a future meeting.