Sitzungsprotokolle des Fachschaftsrates

Present:Alexander Rogovskyy, Lukas Abelt, Manuel Messerig, Anton Voran, Mona Schappert, Daniel Butz (from: 12:27), Kevin Müller, Lizzie Schmitz, Abigail Pereira, Clemens Beining, Karl Schrader, Jan-Philipp Fonfara
Moderator:Manuel Messerig
Minute taker:Anton Voran



We got some fridges from the MMCI for the public screening of the european championships. They don't really want them back so we are free to do with them like we please.
We also have a big fridge that officially still belongs to Lukas who wants to sell it to us. There would be enough storage space in the Verfügungsraum. It would not really be used besides events but would be very useful there.
We voted on whether we want to ask the FIS to buy it (5 in favour, 1 against, 1 abstaining).
We also voted on whether we want to keep the mini-fridges as well (7 in favour, 1 against, 0 abstaining)


A few weeks ago we already discussed whether we want a new oven to use instead/in addition with the current microwave oven. A new one would cost around 50-100€ from ebay.
There might be some issues with fire protection laws, and whether
Installation plans are to modify the current cabinets or replace them with new ones.
There are high doubts about the usefulness despite there is now a proper oven instead of a microwave oven. There are multiple challenges like keeping the oven clean.
We voted on whether we want to buy a new oven (1 in favour, 3 against , 4 abstaining).

Coffee Machine

Our coffee machine has been broken and repaired again. We are unsure whether it stays functional or breaks again at the next possible moment. Thus we are thinking about strategically buying a new one.
In general the coffee machine is well used and we have the impression that many would like to have one
We maybe could use FIS-money as it would fall under office supplies, but we would need to verify the legality again. However it could be also morally not a good idea, we could well spend an equal amount of money for events or so. On the other hand we can use it as advertising tool for becoming a member of the student council.
Alternatively each person interested could invest a ~50€ to buy it privately as a group effort.

We voted on whether we want a buy a new coffee machine and decided in favour unanimously.
The new coffee machine we have in mind is a Jura e8, which is a typical office coffee machine.

As a side point: if the FIS is able to buy a new coffee machine for us, then it would be better invested as a new coffee machine for the library.

Student Council Photo

A photo of the current student council members has been taken. Missing people will be photoshopped in later.