Sitzungsprotokolle des Fachschaftsrates

Present:Alexander Rogovskyy, Lukas Abelt, Manuel Messerig, Anton Voran (till: 16:56), Kevin Müller, Lizzie Schmitz (till: 17:10), Jan-Philipp Fonfara, Qianhao Zhang, Tarik Rosin (till: 17:09)
Moderator:Manuel Messerig
Minute taker:Alexander Rogovskyy



Manu & JP had a talk with the SE-Chair (most of the PhD).

They gave them a slide deck with proposed changes. Lukas has written an extensive protocol of the talk, which we might want to publish soon.


Since only few people responded to a poll, Lukas suggests postponing it to next year (possibly after elections).

Pfand Collection Stations

Starting next week we will set up the Pfand collection stations.
This means that both the crate stand and pfand bottle collector from the FSR main room will be used for this.
We urge everyone to deal with their Pfand in an appropriate way during that time.

There will likely be a “How-To Crepes Kreppes and use Cream dispenser” tutorial next week on Thursday. Please attend if you can (Also there will be free Kreppes).

Manuel notes that the creat dispensers tend to make a little bit of a mess. Lukas asks if this is a skill issue.


We will have a torch run (ger.: Fackellauf) for Prof. Hack, which will therefore be named Hackellauf.

We bought a tiny cute fire extinguisher. Don't use it inside or it will be very dirty.

FIS needs to order torches. FdSI kindly accepted to pay for the torches & Glühwein.

Dishwasher troubles

Our dishwasher currently works really badly. Lukas asks if we refilled salt & Klarspüler. We will try it with those & come back to the topic should further problems arise.


The organizers of MentoMINT ask us to advertize their search for tutors / mentors. We agreed to put up posters on the pinboard.


We decided to have a second bus. We have some tickets reserved for Romanistik students. They have one week to distribute them amongst themselves (the tickets past that date will be free for all).

Manu wants to see if he is an idiot

Therefore, he brought cream dispensers.