Sitzungsprotokolle des Fachschaftsrates

Present:Alexander Rogovskyy, Max Walter, Lukas Abelt, Manuel Messerig, Anton Voran (till: 16:57), Mona Schappert (from: 17:15), Daniel Butz, Kevin Müller, Lizzie Schmitz, Abigail Pereira, Simon Döring (till: 16:59), Jan-Philipp Fonfara, Nico Leiner, Finn Degener, Harry Zhang, Kamila Szewczyk
Moderator:Manuel Messerig
Minute taker:Lukas Abelt


(Voluntary) Member Prune

Anton noticed that a some of the people listed on our websites members page are not at university any more. This can be confusing for some people as they might not know whom to contact.

The suggestion is to go through this list and check who is actually still at university. We could combine this with the necessary update once the new council is elected. It will be a good training task for the new system administrators.
The current system admin task force will support the new members in this.

Event Photos

Anton noticed that the photos on our dedicated event subpages of our website are quite outdated. We should put more up-to-date pictures on there.

Lukas asks everyone all members who made pictures of recent events to put them in our Nextcloud instance (There is a Photos subfolder in the top level). The responsible people should then update their sub-pages.

Website Restructure

As Anton noticed that there are some outdated sub-pages on the website and that this might be an opportunity to start a bigger restructure of the website.

However, we advice the upcoming council to brainstorm potential improvements to the website and implement it to their liking.

Task Force Update Thought Protocol

Anton gives an update on the current work of the protocols task force.
Currently the task force depends a lot on voluntary input via mail. The manual collection as previously does not happen any more.

Manu notes that some professors might not like it when we set up a booth in front of the exam halls which could harm the relationship with professors. Also, no one is currently too open to actively approach students after exams.

Anton notes that there should be a significant change in the collection process as with the current progress there is a chance of it dying down.
Harry asks for clarification on how students can hand in thought protocols:
- Come to us in person
- Write us a mail
- Put it in our postbox
- Scan them at our printer (Which automagically sends it to us via mail)

Manu thinks that generally enough people are aware of the existence of thought protocols, but only a minority hands in thought protocols.

Various points where brought up on if we can introduce some kind of incentive for people to hand in exams (Goodies, Gummy Bears, Gamification).

We discussed whether it would be feasible to ask professors directly for old exams. However, as discussed in the past the risk is then that the professors deny it which effectively leaves us in a state in which we are releasing thought protocols even if we know that the profs don't like it.

Anton further notes that Kevin has created a LaTeX protocol which can aid in creating thought protocols. Anton wants to have noted in the protocol that Kevin is great.

The discussion leaves us unclear in how to proceed. Anton suggests to wait for further ideas and discuss this later on.

Students Council Elections

This week there is the candidacy phase for the upcoming student council elections.

If you are interested in becoming part of the student council, register here:

You can register until January 12th, 21:59 (09:59 PM)

We will also try to advertise the candidacy phase via the mailing list to all CS students via Evelyn. Lukas will take care of this.

Wall Calendar

Lukas notices that the calendar weeks in our wall calendar do not line up with the ISO calendar weeks.

This is sad, but not too bad. If someone wants to fix it, they can contact Kevin, he has prepared something.

SIC Merch

Manu complains that there is no real university merch any more since Triathlon took over the merch shop. He thinks it would be nice if the the SIC would also have their own merch with e.g. the SIC Logo. Apparently there are students asking for it somewhat regularly.

Alex will ask Sarah about it.
Generally the faculty is in favour, but would like to have a joint meeting with FdSI, FIS and someone from the council to discuss further steps.

Status on EML

Simon and Ferdinand are trying to organize a meeting regarding the EML issues. Initially there were some scheduling issues and now Simon is in the US of A.
Alex will join Ferdinand instead. They will arrange a meeting ASAP.

Voluntary Members

Lukas suggests three new voluntary members:
- Yagmur
- Nico
- Harry

All three helped during the Nikofete and are generally really nice.

All three of them have been accepted.

Digital Mampfkasse

Harry asks whether we could have a digital Mampfkasse.
This has been discussed a lot of times already.

He is motivated to work on this. We suggest to him to get in touch with Nicolas and maybe Alex about requirements and further planning as they are heavy users and/or have worked on it before.