Sitzungsprotokolle des Fachschaftsrates

Present:Alexander Rogovskyy, Clemens Beining (from 18:21, till: 18:35), Manuel Messerig, Sophie Kohler, Munem Shahriar, Anton Voran, Mona Schappert, Ferdinand Könneker (till: 18:46), Anton Wittig, Simon Döring
Moderator:Manuel Messerig
Minute taker:Anton Voran



The e-sports student group plans to host a LAN-Party. We think that is a good idea and as we have some connections to them, we voted on whether we want to officially support and collaborate with them (8 in favour, 0 abstaining, 0 against).

Computer Scientists Party

There will be a party organised by some computer scientist students. They already organised a lot, but we can officially support them, both in manpower as well with our equipment. We voted (7 in favour, 0 against, 2 abstaining)

Student Council Meetings

There are still meetings during the semester breaks as we usually still have some topics to discuss. However we fight every time about enough people being there to have a meaningful meeting at all.
Furthermore there are only few people attending in person, which makes the meeting very chaotic in general. Thus, some people suggest to have the meeting either completely online or only in presence. Neither is a good option, as many people are on holidays, so the attendance for physical-only meetings . However the physically attending people think that it is a lot easier and comfortable to discuss it here. The hybrid meetings also suffer from internet and technical issues a lot of times, especially as the the responsible person who sets the meeting up is not attending.
We also noticed that the attendance dropped during the semester too and we are wondering why this is the case.
For now, we will stay with hybrid meetings as we found some meetings who would be willing to set up the meetings ahead of time at least a few times.

Accreditation Seminars

The accreditation seminars take place during September and October. When taking them, students are eligible to be a reviewer in study quality evaluation processes. If you want to take part, you can sign up and find all information under


The KIF 51.5 will start on 31st. of October in Linz (Austria). We can send multiple people there. Mona and Julian already volunteered to go there, even on their own costs. The FIS unfortunately will not financially support our travels, however we will, as usual, ask the AStA for their help.

Busy Beaver

The QUALIS evaluations are now available to us. We preliminary decided on the Busy Beaver Award nominees. Now we are searching for some students that can give us some more personalised feedback. The next meeting we will decide on the final winners.