Sitzungsprotokolle des Fachschaftsrates

Present:Alexander Rogovskyy (from: 16:42), Max Walter, Lukas Abelt (from: 16:22), Clemens Beining, Manuel Messerig, Sophie Kohler, Munem Shahriar (till: 17:23), Anton Voran (from 16:44, till: 16:50), Mona Schappert, Ferdinand Könneker, Simon Döring (from 16:27, till: 17:12), Daniel Butz, Kevin Müller (from: 16:24), Felix Thiel, Anonym (till: 16:45)
Moderator:Manuel Messerig
Minute taker:Alexander Rogovskyy


Changing from Bachelor to Master

We had a guest today that would like to stay anonym. His topic was that it is problematic to find information about changing from Bachelor to Master. We discussed the topic and recognized that there are some unclearances in the information provided by the Ps Mint website. We will write to the Ps Mint that it would be good to change this.

Students Working Rooms

We recognized that the student working rooms (106, 105) are still lacking a lot of furniture. We received the information that it is planned to put more furniture to these, yet it is not planned to put more tables in there, but different more smaller furniture. We will put together a list of things we would like like to have. We also recognized that there are missing power sockets, we heard the wishes from the students of having a large group table and we share that wish. We will also address the facility management concerning the short yesterday which flipped the breaker in the room 103. We think that the momentary rooms are not furnished enough and will address this by Erich.


We brainstormed last week about who to donate to, but postponed the final decision as there were not enough members present to decide this. As the Nikofete is happening in about 10 days, we need to decide this today. The specific organizations are mentioned in the last protocol. We decided to contribute to two charity organizations, the Kältebus and the Tafel. We will contact the corresponding persons and arrange everything with them.

News regarding the bio-info cd situation

We spoke with the corresponding person and got to understand, why they use cd's. We will discuss this with Prof. Rahmann and Lehmann. Additionally, the Prüfungsordnung of BioInformatics will be changed accordingly. As every chair is responsible for their own system, it is not feasible for the chair to buy enough space for every student, as 90% of the students commit more of the allocated space, which would cost a few thousand euros. As the Hiz cannot provide the needed space, we will try to find a way to improve the situation for the students. All in all we will speak with the corresponding people and will discuss this topic again when news reach us.

Dependencies in Examination boards

We would like to have students in the Examination Board which take the corresponding course. To prevent that some students have a conflict of interest, the idea came up that one more advanced student will be the second one to go to the board. We will further discuss this in two weeks at the deans lunch.

Students Council Election

As we do not have much applications for the students council we shortly discussed how to draw more attention to the election.