Sitzungsprotokolle des Fachschaftsrates

Present:Alexander Rogovskyy, Max Walter, Lukas Abelt, Manuel Messerig, Anton Voran (from: 16:23), Mona Schappert, Daniel Butz, Felix Thiel, Kevin Müller, Abigail Pereira (from: 16:30), Julian Baldus
Moderator:Mona Schappert
Minute taker:Felix Thiel


Company Run

The Company Run will take place May 29th, this time in Homburg and not in Saarbrücken. Participation is done in teams. To properly be able to form teams, message Manuel about it. All participants will get a free shirt. If you are not part of the student council, you can register on the website of the Unisport.

Building Opening Hours

The department noticed that over the last few weeks/months the buildings got messy. The prime suspicion was that other people use the open buildings to prepare for exams, but as they are not enrolled here they do not care as much. So we can imagine to enforce the opening hours by the security personel, however give students a sticker for their Students ID card with which they can prove they are enrolled here, so they can stay longer.
The stickers will be distributed by us, however how entirely is not clear yet.


The next KIF will take place May 08th to May 12th. We are debating about whom to send there. The AStA will reimburse the registration fee and travelling costs for 2 people, however we can send more. This is especially recommendable as the location (Kaiserslautern) is so near.

Examination Board

We will need to appoint two new Examination Board members as some went from students representative to scientific staff and thus are not eligible anymore. We were asked to propose new candidates. Anton already volunteered, but we will decide on this in the following weeks


We had a discussion with Prof. Stock last week to discuss how to prevent the Cryptography Lecture from becoming bad again. He informed us about multiple changes that are planned for this year. We wills stay in contact.

Day of the Open Door

The University Day of the Open Door takes place June 08th. We want to have a booth and some activity again, for which we need to register until mid of April. If you have ideas on what to do, write Anton. He will also create a doodle on whom is available that day.


The MfI1 repetitorial will take place this Friday and Monday, however we are still in desperate need for tutors. Abigail volunteered to introduce the mock exam on Monday, but it is not clear who will present the solution for it later.
Besides that, the more tutors we find the better, as this means less work for everybody. So if you want to become tutor, please contact Simon.

Deans Lunch

As the Deans Lunch date would conflict with the StEP, we will search for a new date in the 2nd to 4th week of lectures.

Busy Beaver

We discussed the possible candidates of the Busy Beaver Award, with which we want to honour professors with outstanding teaching in the last semester.
We will decide on the winners next Week.