- 2025-03-26
- Aquarium Re-allocation (Room next to iCoffee), SIC sticker Feedback, Day of the open campus : Activity, KIF
- 2025-03-13
- Maths Cellar, MfCS Tutors needed!, CMS: it is a issue, StEP Goodie bag gets an upgrade?, Official Stickers, they're here., Cubby distribution
- 2025-03-06
- Council Elections, Discrimination Reports, TaskForce - Who for What?, Busy Beaver Award, MfCS Repetitorial, Day of the Open Campus, Renovation , Bio-informatics Grad School, StEP 2025/2026
- 2025-02-24
- Organisatorial Matters, Official Election Stuff, FSR for Dummies, Task Forces, AStA official stuff, Voluntary Members, FIS, Communication Platform
- 2025-02-20
- Intro to AlgoDat - Poor Exam Results, Re-Exam Schedule of Base Lectures, SIC Merch Update, Constituting Meeting, Aquarium Updates, Aquarium Update 2 - Electric Boogaloo, Status Report Mail Task Force, Dishwasher Odyssey, Switching Communications Channel to Signal, Stickers for Entry Control
- 2025-02-05
- BlueSky Account, Fan, Pins, Aquarium, FSR Group Purge, Room 104 Renovations, Dishwasher Update, Study Platform, SIC Sticker Update, Merch, Water Cooker / Kettle / Wasserkocher, Closing Remarks
- 2025-01-30
- Council Elections, Breakfast, CP for Tutors, Learning Platform, Semester Break, SIC Merch, Dishwasher, Bundestagswahl
- 2025-01-22
- Algorithms and Data Structures: Insufficient study materials, Taskforce Minutetaker status report, Lunar New Year celebration, New Dishwasher Updates, Dishwasher Sticker Policy, FSR Breakfast Updates, Fachschaft Credit Point Certificate, FIS Midgliederverrsammlung (member general assembly)
- 2025-01-16
- Plagiarism: Overall situation in faculty, EML update, SE-Lab, SE-Lab rental request of Verfügungsraum, Students' Council Elections, Dishwasher Update, Visual Computing Room, Graduation Ceremony, Examinination Boards
- 2025-01-08
- (Voluntary) Member Prune, Event Photos, Website Restructure, Task Force Update Thought Protocol, Students Council Elections, Wall Calendar, SIC Merch, Status on EML, Voluntary Members, Digital Mampfkasse
- 2024-12-19
- Nikofete Recap, FSR goes Strasburg Recap, RindPhi Logo, FSR election, FSK News, Breakfast, Dishwasher
- 2024-12-11
- AStA Flohmarkt Discrepancy , Hakellauf Reminders, Niko Fete Announcements
- 2024-12-05
- Problems with EML, 🔥 Hackellauf ❤️🔥, NEXT, RindPhi-LAN Feedback, FSR goes to Christmas Market, “X-mas” [sic!] Tree, AStA Flohmarkt
- 2024-11-27
- SE-Lab, FSRetreat, Pfand Collection Stations, Hackellauf, Dishwasher troubles, MentoMINT, Straßburg, Manu wants to see if he is an idiot
- 2024-11-21
- International Potluck, Election Event, Nikofete, Hot-Dogs, FSR Retreat, Quiz Night, Torch Run, SIC Cluster Access, SE Lab Talk, Christmas Market, LAN Party, Deans Lunch
- 2024-11-13
- SE Lab Improvement Suggestions, Strasbourg, RindPhi LAN Party, Talks with Triathlon, Triathlon: Buddy Programme / DAAD, Christmas Party, Breakfast, FSR retreat, Waffle Iron
- 2024-11-07
- Students' Council Position on SE-Lab, Donations to Food Carrier instead of Winterhilfe, RindPhi LAN Party Test run, Strasbourg Christmas Excursion, Advent of Code, Deans Lunch, Feedback Schuelerinformationstag, November Breakfast(?)
- 2024-10-30
- Bioinformatics Academic Support, Committee Transparency: More public announcement of studentic representative positions, Nikofete Organization, Weihnachtsmarkt Crawl, Room Decorating and Painting , Study Prerequisities: 'Is programming knowledge useful?', Lost-and-Found Policy, Unreliable IT Infrastructure, Japanese Minor Subject, Dishwasher Status
- 2024-10-23
- Nikofete, SE-Lab
- 2024-10-16
- Schülerinformationstag: find people and another responsible person, Rentals: user manual, Rentals, again: new rental contracts, TaskForces: New task force Phicility management, MensaBar: information about Mensabar project, Concerns about "Programming with Python", Deans Lunch, Quiz Night Season 2: Better, Faster, Stronger, October Breakfast: Announcement, More Breakfasts?, FabLab: Tour with the FSR
- 2024-10-02
- 2024-09-25
- FabLab on campus, KIF 52.5, Bachelor Plus MINT's Students' Council, FSR goes Christmas Market, Global Game Jam, Hobby and Leisure Fair
- 2024-09-11
- Deutschlandticket, Voluntary Members, KIF 52.5, FSR Retreat, Nikofete, Breakfasts, SE Lab Support Event, Game Day, New Board Games, LAN Party, Media Informatics Examination Board, Mail from the family office
- 2024-08-28
- SE-Lab support event, Quiz Night, Stammtisch, Verfügungsraum, KIF , StEP, Sponsoring Guidelines, SE-Lab, Faculty Merch , Study Documents , Students Project
- 2024-08-15
- Mathematics Prepatory Course, Semesterticket, International Students Support, NEXT , Pupils Information Day, Discord Server
- 2024-07-31
- Student Council Members, Statement study programme master computer science Teaching, SE-Lab Support Event, Cups, FSR Retreat, Rental Contract, Sponsoring Guidelines
- 2024-07-22
- Fridges, Oven, Coffee Machine, Student Council Photo
- 2024-07-15
- Plagiarism , Student Council Members, Equipment, Social Task Force, Breakfast, University Website, T-Shirts, SIC-sticker, Games
- 2024-07-08
- Disability Pride Month: Awareness Post and Information on Social Media, Summer BBQ: Report and Feedback on the Summer BBQ, Rentals: Psychology Students Council wants to rent a small fridge, Schwencare, Equipment: Opportunity of new Sofa in the Verfügungsraum, Uni Website Bachelor Informatik: False Information Listed, EM Public Screening: Update on current state, Update on current members and its implication, Student council Retreat: Discussion on workshop-like event to improve and develop as students' council
- 2024-07-01
- Projekt "Aufklärung", New taskforce "Task overview", KK² updates, Getting an oven
- 2024-06-24
- Summer BBQ, Abi-Was-Dann Fair, Plagiarism, Cryptography
- 2024-06-17
- KIF, Quiz Night, Public Screening, NEXT, Day of the Open Door, Prospective Students FAQ, Discord Bot, Collaboration with Computer Linguistics, Support Infrastructures for Internationals, Game Night
- 2024-06-10
- Academic Misconduct, Next Breakfast, Footbal Watchparty, Printer issues, Visitenkarten, Professor Interviews, Mens Mental Health, Ordering Shirts
- 2024-06-03
- Pride Month, Breakfast, Summer BBQ , Sponsoring Guidelines, Pub Crawl , Sponsoring, Day of the Door , Social Media
- 2024-05-27
- Task Force Report: Thought Protocols , Thunis, International Student Support, Student council meeting with Qualitätsbüro, Perspectives of Computer Science, Day of the Open Door, Task tracking tool, Public Screening, T-Shirts, Pub Crawl, Quiz Night
- 2024-05-13
- Appointment Committees, Football Public Screening, T-Shirts, Schwenker Supplies, Verfügungsraum, FSK, UdS-Logos, Meeting Minutes, Lawn behind E1 3, Deans Lunch, Study Coordination
- 2024-05-06
- Office cleaning, an announcement, Dean's lunch, Social media, Task checker, Make protocol great again
- 2024-04-29
- StuPa Council of Elders, FSR Visibility
- 2024-04-23
- Computer Graphics, Ausfahrerlaubnis, Football Public Screening, Quiz Night, Social Media, Day of the Open Door, Students for one Day, Library Theses, Examination Office Bioinformatics, Breakfast
- 2024-04-16
- KIF, FSR Infrastructure, Pub Crawl, Game Night Report, StEP Report , Games&Book Cleanout, Breakfast, Council Member Credits, Social Media , Summer BBQ, Gruppenurwahlen
- 2024-04-02
- Busy Beaver, Day of the open Door, Deans Lunch, Student Council, Department Update, Repetitorial, Examination Board, Computer Graphics
- 2024-03-19
- Company Run, Building Opening Hours, KIF, Examination Board, Cryptography, Day of the Open Door, Repetitorial, Deans Lunch, Busy Beaver
- 2024-03-05
- Cryptography, Summer BBQ, Quiz night , Student support infrastructure, MfI 1, Deans Lunch
- 2024-02-21
- FIS Meeting, QUALIS, Student Workrooms, First Aid Kit, E1.3 Greenery, Quiz Night, Game Night
- 2024-02-07
- Task Forces, Geschäftsordnung/Rules of Procedure, Voluntary Members
- 2024-02-02
- Hybrid Meetings, Student Working Rooms, Tables in the council room
- 2024-01-26
- Constitutional Meeting, How to Student Council, FIS, Rental Contracts
- 2024-01-19
- Semester Ticket, Graduation Ceremonies, FIS, Guidelines Evaluation CS, Student Council Task Forces
- 2024-01-12
- Zivilklausel, Guide for Evaluations Computer Science , Examination Boards, SE Lab, Breakfast
- 2024-01-05
- Petition for a civilclause, Guide for Evaluations Computer Science, SteP-Feedback, Verfügngsraum: Rental Request, Student Council Election, Missing grades
- 2023-12-22
- AlgoDat, EML, Appointment Committee, Nikofete Summary, MfI 1 report, SE Lab discussion, Discussion with the CISPA
- 2023-12-15
- Student Working Rooms, Bachelor&Master thesis for library, Introduction to Algorithms and Data Structures, Ticket Party, EML
- 2023-12-08
- Security Testing, SIC People, Student Working Rooms, Events
- 2023-12-01
- CIP- Pools, Voluntary Members, Cloud Infrastructure Restructure, Nikofete
- 2023-11-24
- Changing from Bachelor to Master, Students Working Rooms, NikoFete, News regarding the bio-info cd situation, Dependencies in Examination boards, Students Council Election
- 2023-11-17
- New Faculty Members, TaCoS, Verfügungsraum, KIF, Nikofete, Gamenights, Students' Council Elections
- 2023-11-10
- SE-Lab complaints, FSK, Coffee Machine, Breakfast, Acquisitions , Verfügungsraum Esports, Deans Lunch
- 2023-11-02
- StuPa, Plagiarism, Theses, Student Working Rooms, Monitors, Deans Lunch, TaCoS, Pupils Information Day, Introduction to MAD
- 2023-10-25
- SE Lab, MfCS1 , Fundamentals of MAD, StuPa, Opening Hours, Breakfasts, Nikofete, Torch Run, Advent of Code
- 2023-10-11
- Breakfast & Social Events, Semester Opening Ceremony
- 2023-09-27
- KIF, StEP, Pupil Information Day
- 2023-09-13
- Statistics Lab, KiF, MfCS1 , Verfügungsraum, Quiz Night, Guidelines for Exam Inspections, Busy Beaver, Digital Meetings, Metro Account
- 2023-08-30
- LAN-Party, Computer Scientists Party, Student Council Meetings, Accreditation Seminars, KIF, Busy Beaver
- 2023-08-16
- QUALIS , PPB/Psychological Counceling, NEXT, Thought Protocols, Bioinformatics-Conference
- 2023-08-15
- 2023-08-09
- 2023-08-02
- Thought Protocols , New Meeting Time Slot , Busy Beaver, Cleaning Plan, Game Night
- 2023-07-19
- New Meeting Time Slot, Busy Beaver, Event Planning, Seminar Rooms, Game Night, Bioinformatics-Conference
- 2023-07-12
- Maths Prep Course, Cryptography , Voting during Meeting, Alumni-Presentations, Summer BBQ, Student Working Rooms, Study Situation Questionnaire, Shirts, Game Night, Recap of Summer Semester
- 2023-07-05
- Cryptography, Seminar Room (Verfügungsraum), NEXT, Breakfast, Summer BBQ , Cleaning Plan, Game Night, Meeting Minutes, FSK, Bioinformatics-Conference
- 2023-06-28
- Breakfast, Summer BBQ, Examination Boards, Game Night, Schwenker, Bioinformatics-Conference, Cryptography
- 2023-06-23
- NEXT, Dishwasher, Digital Meetings , Pub Crawl, Schwenker, Breakfast, Summer BBQ, Game Night, Bioinformatics-Meetup, Quiz Night
- 2023-05-31
- Programming Lectures, Breakfast, Permanent Loan, NEXT , Gamenight, Schwenker
- 2023-05-24
- KIF, FSR Room, Thesis Print Support, Special Access to University Parking, Calendar and Rental, Examination Board, NEXT, Cryptography, Algorithms and Data Structures Core Lecture, Quiz Night
- 2023-05-17
- NEXT, Company Run, Day of open University, FSR Room.
- 2023-05-10
- Collaboration with Math Students' Council, Exam Scheduling, Students' Council Election, Google Developer Students' Club, Banner, Day of the Open Door, Social Events, Cryptography, Finding out your Examination Regulations, FSR Mascot, Fire-proof mat for the Schwenker, Microwave Cover
- 2023-05-03
- Photo, Database Systems, Digital Meetings, Career Tuesday, Event Organisation, Doodles, Quiz Night, Breakfast, Working Students, University Open Day
- 2023-04-26
- New Professors, Board Games, Breakfast, Garbage , Events , Banner, Shirts, Photo, Meeting Time Slot
- 2023-04-19
- Company Run, Kick-Off-event, Buddy Program 2.0, Study Regulations, Programming Lectures, Study Programme, Seminar Room , FS-Euro, Office Materials, Technical Devices, Food Safety Instructions
- 2023-03-27
- New Professors, Lecture Feedback, Busy Beaver, Semester Opening Ceremony, Fachschaftseuro, Programming Lectures, Breakfast, Summer BBQ, NEXT, FIS-meeting, International Students, KIF, MfCS1 repetitorium
- 2023-03-13
- MfCS1, Machine Learning, KiF, Requirements for the CS Bachelor, SE-Lab, Programming Courses, Summer BBQ, Breakfast, Stove, Seminar Room, Students Financial Support, Quiz Night/Pub Quiz, Coffee Machine at the Library, Soda Stream
- 2023-02-27
- New Professors, Programming with Python, Plagiarism , FSK, Fachschaftseuro, University open Day, StEP, Game Night, FIS-Meeting, Deans Lunch , Buddy Program 2.0
- 2023-02-14
- Breakfast, Thesis Support, Mailing Lists, Task Forces, Game Night, Lockers, Memes, Study Situation
- 2023-02-06
- New Professors, Breakfast, University Open Day, Deans Lunch, Students Conference TVStud, Neural Networks, New Meeting Time Slot, Rooms, Programming with Python
- 2023-01-30
- Tutorials, Examination Committee, Coffee Machine, Breakfasts, Electronical Devices
- 2023-01-23
- Breakfasts, New Social Events, Tutorials , Deans Lunch , Lockers
- 2023-01-16
- Hybrid Meetings, Task Forces, Faculty Council, EML, School Integration, SoPra-Room, Voluntary Members, Meeting Time Slot
- 2023-01-14
- Constitutional Meeting , FIS, Rooms, Voluntary Members, Task Forces
- 2022-12-12
- Game Night, Nikofete/Winter Party
- 2022-12-05
- Mulled Wine Container, Nikofete, Verfügungsraum, Student Council Elections, Torch Run, Game Night
- 2022-11-28
- Winter Party, Game Night, Torch Run, Pub Crawl, Book Donation, Channel for Junior Students, Advent of Code, Lockers, New Stove, Email
- 2022-11-21
- Ticket Party , Pub Crawl with anglistics, Winter Party/Niko-Fete, Building Access
- 2022-11-14
- Winter Party, Pub Crawl with anglistics, FSR Elections, Advent of Code, Room reservation (Jugger), Examination Office, Ticket Party, Computer Science Council Chill Corner
- 2022-11-02
- Deans Lunch, Discussion with the Vice Dean, Ticket Party, Cleaning Schedule, New Meeting Time Slot, Pub crawl with the Anglistics, Elections, Game Night, Opening Times, FSK, Poster slots
- 2022-10-26
- StEP, SoPra, Winter Party/Niko-Fete
- 2022-10-12
- StEP, Busy Beaver, StEP Breakfast, Requirements for SoPra, Ticket Party, Chairs
- 2022-09-28
- Computer-Science Council Chill Corner, Semester Abroad, Ticket Party, Dishwasher, StEP, New Professors
- 2022-09-14
- Game Night, Ticket-Party, Walls in the Council Room, StEP Organization, Campus Tour, Organizing Social Events
- 2022-08-31
- KiF, Sponsoring, Examination Office, Google Developer Student Club (GDSC), Study Regulation of bioinformatics, Game Night, Ticket Party
- 2022-08-10
- Heating, New Bioinformatics Professors, Kitchen Access, Office Hours of the Examination Office
- 2022-07-25
- Step, Kif 50,5, Thought Protocols, Game Night, Ticket Party, Silent Room, Meetings During the Semester Break, Dean's Lunch
- 2022-07-11
- Appointment committee, Teaching quality, Power in Seminar Rooms, Summer BBQ, Game Night, Cleaning, UFO
- 2022-07-04
- Letter Template, Ice Cream - Lessons Learned, Game Night, Summer BBQ, Deans Lunch, Future Breakfasts & Event Organisation
- 2022-06-27
- Ice cream event, Summer BBQ, On cleaning, Student Council meeting slot
- 2022-06-22
- Math Prep Course, Deans Lunch, Ice Cream Distribution, Sommerfest, Kitchen Hygiene, Sigil
- 2022-06-13
- Relevo Stack, Voluntary Members, Appointment Committees, Breakfast / Ice Cream, Sommerfest, FSK, Ausschreibung "LernRaumGestaltung", NEXT
- 2022-06-01
- Studierendenparlament, KIF, Student Council Financing, AStA Office Supplies, Game Night, New TV, NEXT, Meeting Slot in the upcoming Week, Japanese Minor, Siegelstempel & Stickers, Silent Working Room, Posters, Schwenker
- 2022-05-23
- NEXT, Students' Council Seminar Room, Open Day, 9 Euro Ticket, Office Supplies, Game Night, Seminar Rooms in E1.3, Company Run
- 2022-05-18
- Deans Lunch, Company Run and Informatiker Lauf-Treff, Breakfast, Universities Open Day, Game Night, NEXT, Alternating Meeting Slot
- 2022-05-11
- Seminar Rooms, Brunch, University's Open Day, NEXT, Students' Council Shirts
- 2022-05-04
- Ticketparty (Aftermath), Office Supplies, Day of the open door, Campus Tour, Breakfast, Room Access, Firmenlauf
- 2022-04-27
- Breakfast, Summer BBQ, Day of the Open Door, Ticket Party, KIF 50,0, Room Access, Mampfkasse, Discord Rules, Infrastructure Update, Game Night, Verfuegungsraum Management, Mailing Lists, Thought Protocols, Group Picture
- 2022-04-19
- Next Job Fair, Faculty Council Elections, KIF 50,0, Ticketparty, Student Council Meetings, Breakfast & Game Night
- 2022-04-11
- Talk with Erich Reindel about rooms, KIF 50.0, Appointment committee Didaktik, Campus tour, StEP, Furniture, New meeting slot, Breakfast, Board game / Smash night, Even more cleaning, Repetitorium
- 2022-04-04
- Busy Beaver, Prof. Vera Demberg, StEP, Semester Opening Talk, Appointments Committee, Student Work Rooms (013, 105, 106) Are in a Desolate State
- 2022-03-28
- Info-LK Highschool, How to FSR, Game Night (StEP), Campus-Tour, Talk with Prof. Reineke
- 2022-03-14
- Info-LK, Notification for the MfI 1 repetitorium, Open Day, EXPEDIT shelf for the office, Sandwich maker, NEXT
- 2022-02-28
- 2022-02-14
- Task Forces Addition, Problems with Master, Study Together
- 2022-02-08
- Teaching Study Program, Study Together, Qualis Results
- 2022-01-28
- Course Evaluations, 3D printer, Appointment commitee, Quality Bureau, CS Teaching Study Programme, Misc
- 2022-01-17
- Constituting Meeting, Happy New Year!, Responsibilities in the Students Council
- 2021-12-13
- Sopra, Junionstudentenmeeting
- 2021-12-06
- Letter about SoPra, Prog 1 Mid Term Exam, Appointments Committee Technolgie Enhanced Learning, FSR Elections
- 2021-11-22
- FSR Elections, FSR Breakfast, Graduation Ceremony
- 2021-11-15
- FSR Elections, Leisure Room, Breakfast, Period Products
- 2021-11-08
- NEXT Report, Students Council Elections, FSR Breakfast, Ticket Party
- 2021-10-25
- Ticketparty, Breakfasts, Next Fair
- 2021-10-20
- Welcome to the new semester!, Matrix Server, Upcoming FSR Elections, StEP Feedback, Inventory and Ticket Party, Verfügungsraum, MfI 1 & 3, Sabine & Natalia, New stuff for students
- 2021-10-06
- Appointment Committee, FSR Elections
- 2021-09-22
- New Semester Regulations / Staysio App, Student Printer, Campus Rally by FSR, StEP Current Status, Appointment Committees, MfI 1 lecture in the upcoming semester, Students Survey
- 2021-09-08
- FSR Website
- 2021-08-25
- FSR Campus-Tour
- 2021-07-27
- Math Preparatory Course, Master StEP
- 2021-07-13
- Bachelor/Master StEP WS 2021/22, Appointment Committees, Our Survey, Stammtisch (again)
- 2021-06-29
- High Performance Graphics 2021, Generic and Generative Software Design, Open Letter Regarding Reopening of Universities, Survey regarding the current study situation
- 2021-06-22
- Lecture Complain , Open Letter, Survey
- 2021-06-15
- NEXT, Feedback on the planned survey
- 2021-06-08
- Evaluation of lectures
- 2021-06-01
- Discussion with Professors and Erich Reindel
- 2021-05-25
- Examination Committees, New Professors, Buddy Program, Changes due to Bachelors in English, Company Run
- 2021-05-18
- New Professor, Buddy Programm, Game Night
- 2021-05-11
- Verfügungsraum, Ragey Kummerkasten, StuPa Elections, Status on Molecular Microbiology, New Professors, Student's Council Game Night
- 2021-05-04
- Verfügungsraum
- 2021-04-27
- Online Game Night, Social Life in the FSR, Appointment Committees, Couches, Domain for the students council
- 2021-04-20
- Molecular Microbiology, Biotech students for 2 appointment committees, Couches, Website, Survey for Female CS Students, StEP Lost Knowledge
- 2021-04-13
- New Semester, Website, Couches, StEP
- 2021-03-30
- Student's Council Git, New couches offered by AStA, MfI 1 Repetutorium, StEP preparation, Introductionary lecture for SoSe 2021
- 2021-03-09
- Busy Beaver, Next, Buddy Programme, Mini-StEP
- 2021-02-23
- Examination Committee, Examination Regulations, Game licenses for Online Game Nights
- 2021-02-10
- Studieninfotage, Examination committee
- 2021-01-27
- Presence Exams, Task Force "Antiracism", Online Game Nights
- 2021-01-18
- Presence Exams, Report FIS
- 2021-01-13
- FSK, Social Events
- 2021-01-06
- Examination Committees, FIS, Studies Mailing List, Meeting Slot, New Study Regulations, Work as a Student's Council, Voluntary Members
- 2020-12-10
- Constituent Meeting, First Meeting of the new Student's Council, Examination Committee, Changes in Study/Exam Regulations
- 2020-11-25
- Green Software Workshop, Students Council Elections, NEXT Online Fair, Lecture Evaluation, Ersti-Discord
- 2020-11-11
- FAQ last Monday, NeXT Digital, Meeting timeslot
- 2020-11-04
- StEP Recap, Discord Q&A, next Digital, Upcoming Elections
- 2020-10-21
- StEP Update, MfI 1 Repetitorium
- 2020-10-07
- Appointment Committee, Last week before WS, Printer, Bicycle repair
- 2020-09-23
- Thesis Printing, Studies, Corona Boredom
- 2020-09-16
- StEP, Exams
- 2020-09-02
- Abi was dann
- 2020-08-26
- Students Council work
- 2020-08-19
- Student Coucil Rooms, Cooperation with Basic Lectures
- 2020-08-12
- SoPra, WS 2020/21, Student Council Work
- 2020-07-15
- Fachschaftseuro, Teacher Studies, Short semester
- 2020-07-08
- Maths Prep Course, Fachschaftseuro, Printer
- 2020-07-01
- Examination Committee, Free points
- 2020-06-24
- Examination Committee, Student's Council's FAQs, Free Points
- 2020-06-17
- Helpline
- 2020-06-03
- Student Printer, Helpline, FIS & FSR recruits
- 2020-05-20
- Faculty Council Election, Keys of the student council office, Feedback system, Appointment committees, HIZ support
- 2020-05-13
- Lecture feedback system, Nikofete Donation, Faculty Council elections
- 2020-05-06
- Q&A Session, Old Exams, Misc
- 2020-04-29
- Online Game Nights, Schedula help FAQ, AStA free semester, Appointment committees, Grammarly
- 2020-04-21
- Start of the semester, SC meeting in the SS
- 2020-03-10
- Busy Beaver, Mini-StEP, Summer BBQ, Bike fixup event, Company run, BBQ at the end of summer university camp, Public image of the students council
- 2020-01-28
- Hackathon Hate Speech, Fachschafts-0.5€, #SIC letters in the students council, Office hours for our archived exams, Torch run for Prof. Finkbeiner, Miscellaneous
- 2020-01-21
- Printer, School class presentation, Misc, Breakfast
- 2020-01-14
- Student Council CP, CS Books, Hochschulperle, FIS meeting
- 2020-01-07
- Misc
- 2019-12-17
- Fachschaftseuro, Misc, New services and events of the student council
- 2019-12-10
- Nikofete, Cleaning, Appointment Comitee Bio Informathics, Voluntary member
- 2019-12-03
- Pub Crawl, Ticket Party, Nikofete, Misc
- 2019-11-26
- Pub crawl, StEP Einführung, Nikofete, Ticketparty 2.0, Credit Points, Board games night report, FIS MV
- 2019-11-19
- CP for student council participation, Room access, Pub Crawl, Nikofete, Food wastage
- 2019-11-12
- Deans Lunch Topics, Boxes, Technical Equipment, Nikofete, KIF, Student Council Christmas market
- 2019-11-05
- Ticket Party, Food waste, Breakfast, KIF, FS room hardware, Breakfasts and Nikofete, Misc
- 2019-10-29
- Bicycle Stands , Room organization, Breakfast, Ticket Party, Misc
- 2019-10-22
- Pub Crawl, Breakfast, Appointment Committee, Food waste and the Tafel, Office Material, Nikofete, Board Games Night
- 2019-10-14
- Ticketparty 2, Preparatory Lecture for Students, StEP recap, Student Council Meeting
- 2019-10-01
- Send members to DSAI examination board, StEP, Busy Beaver, Thesis print hardware, Ticket Party, First Meeting
- 2019-09-17
- Dummy , Ticket Party, Misc, T-shirts, StEP, Graduate Party
- 2019-08-20
- Busy Beaver award, StEP
- 2019-08-06
- Next, Ersti Clash, Klausureinsichten, Step & Campus Rallye, Kneipentour, Ticketparty
- 2019-07-23
- Deans Lunch , Nics last Meeting, Summary of the Board games night, Next Meeting
- 2019-07-16
- Maths preparatory course, Summer BBQ, Magazine rack, Mampfkasse, Miscellaneous, Next meetings
- 2019-07-09
- Summer BBQ, Board Game Night
- 2019-07-02
- Campus Rallye, Summer BBQ, Old exams, Coffe Machine, Dean's lunch, Voluntary members
- 2019-06-25
- Cleaning- Schedule, Next, Campus Ralley, Summer BBQ, TaCoS, Task Forces, Board Games Night
- 2019-06-18
- Konstituierendensitzung , First meeting of the new student council, Upcoming Meeting , KIF, FIS Meeting
- 2019-06-04
- Partial renting of our Inventory., Next, Students Council Elections, Food, KIF, Last Meeting
- 2019-05-28
- Pub Crawl, Students council election
- 2019-05-21
- Next-Feedback, Appointment commitees, Email Situation, Tag der offenen Tür (Open House Day), Breakfast , Old-Exam thought protocol
- 2019-05-14
- Next , KIF 47.0, Students Council Election, Day of the open door, Voluntary members, AStA Semesterticket
- 2019-04-30
- NEXT, Company Run, Disapering Posters, The next Student Council meeting
- 2019-04-23
- NEXT, Breakfast, FSK - FSR election, Business Informatics, Closed buildings
- 2019-04-16
- Business Informatics , Microsoft Imagine, Summer BBQ, Board Game Night, Next, Bioinformatics, Breakfast
- 2019-04-08
- Introduction lecture, Game Night, miniStep, Breakfast, Pub Crawl, Summer fest, New Meeting Slot
- 2019-04-02
- Introductory Lecture, StEP, Busy Beaver, New Semester
- 2019-03-19
- Voluntary Members, Summer StEP, T-Shirt Design, 50th Anniversary "Informatik Saarbrücken", Students council elections, MfI1
- 2019-03-05
- Summer Party, The Catalysts Coding Contest, SaveTheInternet, FIS Budget
- 2019-02-19
- Examination board of Computer Science , Appointments committee, Examination regulations, Students Council Meeting
- 2019-02-05
- Data Science and Artificial Intelligence, Pinboard, LAN Party, Domain name, FSK, Visual Computing Examination Board, Council Meeting
- 2019-01-29
- FIS Budget Planung, Deans Lunch, Examination Regulations, Mini - StEP , Domain
- 2019-01-22
- Bioinformatics Examination Board, FSK, Deans Lunch, Examination Regulations, Get Together, T- Shirts
- 2019-01-08
- Bachelor in English , Cryptoparty, Deans Lunch, Breakfast
- 2018-12-18
- Cryptoparty, Students Council Christmas Market, Examination boards, FSK Report
- 2018-12-11
- Nikofete, Students Council Christmas Market, Bachelors in English, FIS- Meeting, Ticketparty, Deans Lunch
- 2018-12-04
- Base Lectures in English, Nikofete, Invitations for examination boards, Next Design
- 2018-11-27
- Basic Lectures in English, Programming 2 Preparation Course, Frequent get togethers, DSGVO - data privacy, PR, Cryptoparty, Water Boiler, Ticket Party
- 2018-11-20
- Report FSKThere are 3 Topics:, AStA Party, Pub Crawl, Breakfast / Nikofete, Voluntary Member
- 2018-11-13
- KIF Reports, AStA Opening Party, Breakfast
- 2018-11-06
- New Structure of Bachelor/Master Seminar, Our telegram broadcast channel is not updated anymore, AStA wants a protocol software, KIF 46,5, Free Breakfast in November, Pubcrawl, Building closed down during AStA semester opening party
- 2018-10-30
- Medieninformatik Master, Transparent Bachelor Thesis Grades, Public Transport Situation, Student Council Regulars, NEXT Fair, Nikofete, Upcoming Meeting Date
- 2018-10-23
- StEP Master Document, GitLab & Wiki, Ticket Party, Breakfast, Pub Crawl, Printer, Council Group Picture, New Volunteers
- 2018-10-15
- StEP report, Gitlab, Update on the KIF, T Shirt, Introductory lecture, Upcoming events, Voluntary Member, New meeting timeslot
- 2018-10-05
- StEP dates, Fab(rication) Lab, Graduation Party, KIF 46,5, New voluntary member
- 2018-09-21
- Fabrication Lab, Aftermath Deans Lunch, Introductory lecture, Breakfast aftermath, Upcoming Meeting Date
- 2018-09-07
- Abi - was dann?, Seminar System, CISPA representative, Council Room Equipment, Room accessability, Reporting Broken Equiment, Programming Contests, Free Breakfast, New voluntary council member
- 2018-08-24
- Equipment of our rooms, Committee work, Deans lunch topics, StEP, SoPra , CISPA Seminar System, Breakfast, Upcoming Meeting
- 2018-08-10
- Study Group AI, Entering Our Rooms, Dean's Lunch Topic Resolutions
- 2018-07-27
- Painting the "Verfügungsraum", FSR- Important, CoLi students council, Physics students council, Equiptment of the seminar rooms, Upcoming meeting
- 2018-07-17
- FSK Report, Result Faculty Council Election, Ticket Party, New Meeting slot, Mathematics Preparatory course , Server Update
- 2018-07-10
- Frequent get-togethers, Mascot Design, Council of Elders, Meeting minutes, Embedded Systems, Painting, Party for old students council members, CISPA Seminar sytem
- 2018-07-03
- LAN-Party, Deans Lunch Feedback, Summer BBQ Feedback, CISPA Seminar System, Server Setup, Honoring former students representative council members, Breakfast 19.07, Time difference
- 2018-06-26
- Deans lunch, Summer BBQ, Changes towards the students council election, Upcoming breakfast date!, Upcoming meeting date
- 2018-06-19
- Summer BBQ, Student Seminar Room (Verfügungsraum), Deans lunch, Next meeting date
- 2018-06-12
- Cleaning day, cleanliness of our rooms, Deans lunch, Mail redirects, Breakfast, New old voluntary member Thomas
- 2018-06-05
- Constituent meeting, Torch run, Roles in the new students council, Voluntary members, Next meeting date
- 2018-05-22
- University group Esports, Fakultätsrat, Open door day
- 2018-05-15
- NEXT Week is this Week!, Deans Lunch, Pub Crawl aftermath, Students Council Election
- 2018-05-08
- Pub Crawl Updates, Students Council Elections, New Voluntary Members
- 2018-05-02
- Pub crawl, NEXT catalogues, AStA Semester Opening Party
- 2018-04-25
- Vorschlag studentisches Mitglied Fakultätsratswahl, Ticketsystem, Fachschaftssitzungstermin, TShirts, Prüfungsausschuss Bioinformatik, Frühstück, NEXT briefing date, computer science website
- 2018-04-19
- MMCI Werbeteam, Open door day, 26.05., Gender quality office, KWT, Pub crawl, Breakfast at the student's council room, Verfügungsraum, upcoming meeting date
- 2018-04-09
- Graduate Party, Upcoming Events, doodle for students' rooms' cleaning, Future meetings
- 2018-04-03
- Climate-neutral Student's Council, Busy Beaver, Student's Council Election, Next meeting
- 2018-03-27
- Retreat, KIF 46.0, "Greek Week", State of the students work rooms, NAS hard disk, Students representative for the bioinformatics examination board
- 2018-03-20
- competition between faculties, State of the students work rooms, Next Meeting
- 2018-03-06
- Advertisement for foreign universities, Retreat, Busy Beaver, Students Council T-Shirts, Sponsoring, Summer BBQ, More organized meeting
- 2018-02-20
- cloathing donation, FSR election, Spring cleaning, Lecture efforts, FSR Meeting slot during semester breaks, Room equipment, Caro is/was broken
- 2018-02-06
- Giving clothes to refugee charity, deanery report about usage of Kompensationsmittel, Choosing cage colour for seminar room, Reorganizing of the Rooms, NAS replacement update, Modernize Semester opening event and prof collaboration, New Meeting schedule
- 2018-01-30
- NAS, Compensation Fund, Additional Monitor, NEXT, Perspektiven der Informatik lecture, Dudle for retreat, Next FSR meeting
- 2018-01-23
- HDMI cables, Fence in room 111, Appointsment Committees succession Prof. Wahlster, Mailing list for programming contests, Emebedded Systems Examination Board, Thesis printing, Retreat
- 2018-01-16
- LAN Party, Retreat, Breakfast
- 2018-01-09
- Board game night with the maths students representatives council, Cables, kitchenware, etc., Monitors from Prof. Dittrich's chair, Neural Networks, Appointment commission for new junior professorship "Informatik und ihre Didaktik", CDs for theses, new Kallax-shelf
- 2018-01-02
- Compensation funds, Sockets, Retreat
- 2017-12-19
- Neural Networks Lecture, CD Burning Service, New FIS board, Breakfast Sponsoring, Breakfast, Cable Reel / Extension Cord, standard period of study vs actual period of study, Next Meeting
- 2017-12-12
- Verwaltungsgebühren, Perspetiven der Informatik, Donations from the christmasparty, Google Hashcode, Retreat
- 2017-12-05
- Nikofete, Ticketparty, Putzplan, FIS Jahreshauptversammlung
- 2017-11-28
- Unsere Sorge, Professor Reineke, Missing password change reminder, Berufungskommission Bioinformatik, Graduates ceremony, FSK: organisation fees, CDs, Nikofete, Ticketparty
- 2017-11-21
- Christmas market, Prof. Hein, LAN-party, board games night, New Guest Cards, Nikofete, New Voluntary Members
- 2017-11-14
- Microwave, helping the climate, torch march, guest card problems, FILL IN THE DUDELS, Christmas market on the 2017-12-20, send a representative
- 2017-11-07
- FIS, Christmas market, Professor Hein, Student council meeting, Voluntary member acceptance
- 2017-11-03
- Meeting with the FIS board, Microwave, Grid wall in 111, Pub Crawl
- 2017-10-24
- hygene in the student councils room, Bars, Next meeting, Microwave, SoPra, Hello Caro
- 2017-10-16
- Telegram Channels, StEP 2017, KIF, Voluntary Members, Upcoming events for this semester, Letter of Intent for VR Lecture concepts, communication and PR strategy, FIS, T Shirt, Introductory Event, Next meeting
- 2017-10-02
- FS Tables final discussion, Discussion with Erich, Mampfkasse, New voluntary members, Busy Beaver presents, Graduation Ceremony, Promoting SAP CV Check, Visiting KIF 45.5, Next Meeting
- 2017-09-18
- Deposits, Breakfast
- 2017-09-04
- Air Conditioner, Door access, Bars to fence off valuables in the seminar room 111, Retreat, Busy Beaver, IT infrastructure survey consequences, Magic the gathering turnament, Tables
- 2017-08-21
- Door access, IT survey results, goodbye party
- 2017-08-07
- tables in the student council room, new kallax, goodbye party for former elected council representatives, problem with the printer costs, ticket party, improving mampfkasse
- 2017-07-24
- Constitute Meeting, Acknowledgement, Regular Jobs, One Time Jobs, New Voluntary Members, Access to services, Next Meeting, Examination Board, Photo
- 2017-07-19
- Thesis printing, Talk with Erich, Election
- 2017-07-10
- Summer Party, Fachschafts-Schwenken, Vorkurs, Door status display, Election
- 2017-07-05
- Cleaning of rentable rooms, Voting for voluntary member Dominic, IT issues, Mathe Vorkurs, Summerparty, Election helpers
- 2017-06-26
- Summer-BBQ, Students' Representative Council Election, Thick paper, Kappler wants to give up jobs, Voluntary members, Next meeting
- 2017-06-21
- council election administrator needed, Open university day, appointsment committees, Thick Paper, next meeting, NEXT Restaurant , Masterkolleg
- 2017-06-14
- Who do we represent?, FSK - Fachschaftsrahmensatzung, Campus-Fest, updates on NEXT, Next student's council meeting
- 2017-05-31
- Ice Cream Tomorrow, NEXT dinner, NEXT Feedback, Next Meeting, Farewell parties for leaving members, Certificate for voluntary work, Listing past members, New voluntary member
- 2017-05-22
- Schwenker, Monitor for Fitness App, Champus article, Fachschaftsrahmensatzung, Representation for CuK-related studies, Meetings, SE meeting Protokoller, Bioinformatics, Volunteers, Breakfast
- 2017-05-15
- racism in lectures, new Schwenker, campus fair NEXT, Ice truck, foreign study courses blocked on student printer, next meeting, KIF 45.0
- 2017-05-03
- Printer, NEXT Briefing , Incentitives to help in the students council, Farewell party for leaving members, ticket party, next meeting
- 2017-04-24
- Pub Crawl, CS breakfast, Infosys-Tutor, Summer party, Printer, Schwenker, FSR meetings, students' council's influence, NEXT
- 2017-04-19
- Deans' Lunch, New informatics campus website, Events next week "Breakfast and pub crawl, Schwenker (the device), Putzplan, Software engineering project, Helpers for NEXT campus fair needed, next meeting, Regulation on submission of theses in digital form, Noshaba wants to be voluntary member, Jeanette leaves us
- 2017-04-10
- Office supplies, Printer limit will be reached soon, Dean's Lunch, Busy Beaver, Math preparation course honoration, The service office asks for help, Breakfast, Pub crawl, Semester opening lecture, graduation ceremony, Helpers for the NEXT, two appointments committee, physical alteration in the "Verfügungsraum", Next meeting
- 2017-03-27
- Sommerfest, Schwenker, Kettle, Computers
- 2017-03-13
- FabLab Meeting, serve drinks and food at opening lecture , Election administrator
- 2017-03-01
- CS meetings in the holidays, Handover of admin duties, Sarah got us coffee!, Chaos Communication Congress, Pub Crawl, Ceterum censeo: Tafel should get their ad back.
- 2017-02-13
- FabLab Meeting with MMCI, Trip to CeBIT, printer moved, Alex leaves the students council, New Members for the students council
- 2017-02-06
- Tafel advertisement, Printer & room 013, office supplies, light in the foyer, binding machine
- 2017-01-30
- Buying computers, Seminar management software
- 2017-01-23
- Dead NAS, Who wants to tell Erich where the 1k€ go?, Donations for the Tafel, Binding machine, Orientation at MINT
- 2017-01-16
- Fablab, New representatives for examination board, Seminar management tool, Binding machine, FIS Call for new members, Ticketparty
- 2017-01-09
- Tiramisu, Ticketparty, Money donated by Bläse e.V., Bioinformatics Spokesperson, FIT, Finding new members, Council banner
- 2017-01-02
- Cooperation Contract Draft from FIT, Thesis Pronting & Binding, We wish all readers a Happy New Year
- 2016-12-12
- Greetings to Becking, Printer out of order, Niko party, Tying machine, Protest forum, MINT students' council, Sven voluntueering
- 2016-12-05
- Winter party, Protest forum, Christmas market, LAN party, MINT students' council, Office supplies, Monitors
- 2016-11-28
- Asta LAN, Nikofete, Protestforum, christmas market, student coucil banner, Martin's seminar workshops for application, FIT
- 2016-11-21
- Examboard Cybersec, Nikofete Donation Candidates, Mini Lan, November Brunch, Selling the iMacs
- 2016-11-14
- Pubcrawl, ASTA Protestboard, Mini Lan, Network Issues, Brunch on Thursday, Nikofete, Survey System to use in User Studies, Office Equipment, Seminar Oganization System, Titania upgrade, New Volunteer
- 2016-11-07
- Meeting schedule, Cleaning dudle, Last meeting minutes, E-Mail from the Gleichstellungsbeauftragten, Christmas market on 8th of December
- 2016-11-02
- faculty council, Lecture script printing service, Help at "Digitale Bildung für Alle", Cleaning Schedule
- 2016-10-24
- Public holiday bridging - New date for next meeting, StEp, Pub crawl, facebook, Lukas Bard volunteer helper, Opening ceremony
- 2016-10-17
- SoPra, Busy Beaver, StEP, Semester opening lecture, Christmas market, Volunteer
- 2016-10-04
- Pub crawl, StEp, Results of last brunch
- 2016-09-19
- Last Weeks Topic: AStA-LAN-Party, 33c3, Buying Servers, Future of FIT, Buy and replace broken stuff, Breakfast for Sopra and Math-Preparation-Course
- 2016-09-05
- AStA-LAN-Party, "Abi - Was dann?"-Exhibition, Ticket Party, 33c3
- 2016-08-22
- Change of Meeting Time, Attendance, StEP, Breakfast for Sopra, Math-Preparation-Course and StEP
- 2016-08-08
- Infosys, Meetings in the holidays
- 2016-07-25
- Printer, Meetings in holiday
- 2016-07-18
- Constituent Meeting, Acknowledgement, Regular Jobs, One-time Jobs, Voluntary Members, Access to services, Next meeting, Examination board for media informatics
- 2016-07-11
- Summer party, Voluntary members, Open University Day, Power plugs in seminar rooms, Food Leftovers, Elections
- 2016-07-04
- InfoSys, Breakfast, Summer Festival, Faculty Election Results, Campus Festival, Dudle Open University Day
- 2016-06-27
- Math preparation course asks for financial support, Schwenker missing, Summer party, Bulletin board, faculty board elections, Dean's Lunch, Campusfest, Mampfkasse
- 2016-06-20
- Postponed Election, FIS Budget, Breakfast, Boardgame event
- 2016-06-13
- Lan Party, Boardgame Night, Election, Campusfest, Open day
- 2016-06-06
- Lan Party, Elections, Election Assistants, Clean up after breakfast, Faculty council
- 2016-05-30
- Deans Lunch, Board Game Night shifted, Participation in the Campusfest, Shutdown of Sirius, Schwenker, Faculty Board Representatives, Psychology Students Council Party Trip, University Open Day, Info screens, USB Sticks
- 2016-05-23
- Calendar, FIS meeting, Pubcrawl, Language for publications, Board games night
- 2016-05-19
- Dean's Lunch, Student Council Election Regulation, List of attendance rates of elected members, Kneipentour - pub crawl, Change of date for breakfast, LAN party
- 2016-05-09
- FIT, tying machine, Photographer, Deans lunch, gcpc, elections administrator, summer party
- 2016-05-02
- Missing Schwenker Top, Handle rents more carefully, LAN-Party, New voluntary member Sreenivas, New voluntary member Dieter, Pub Crawl, Breakfast, Board Game Night, Cleaning Plan, Ticket Party, Electronic fax service from HIZ
- 2016-04-25
- FIT, BBQ/Grillen, Breakfast or BBQ, Pub crawl, Dean's Lunch, InfoSys requirements, Next meeting
- 2016-04-18
- FIT, KIF, BBQ/Schwenken, Refurbishment of student work rooms, Election leader needed
- 2016-04-11
- BBQ / Schwenken, FIT, TI exam, next meeting, busy beaver
- 2016-03-29
- Bundesfachschaftenkonferenz, Oracle license, Revision raffle
- 2016-03-14
- Revision Tickets, Summer semester pub crawl, Cebit tickets, Nora wants to be voluntary member
- 2016-02-29
- New Stuff for students, Get-Together recap, Next election, Hardware Room, Thick paper for the printer, GCPC, Study Finder
- 2016-02-15
- Printer, Stuff for Students, 3d printer and hardware room, Gettogether, Summer Festival, Study-Check computer science, Revision, Online Lecture Scripts
- 2016-02-01
- Dean's Lunch, New stuff for the student rooms, Semester break get-together, New stuff for the students
- 2016-01-25
- The council wishes Happy Birthday to Alex, Brunch Recap, New volunteer Sarah, New stuff for the student rooms, New stuff for students, Sponsoring
- 2016-01-18
- Telephone, Free Brunch this Thursday, Dean's lunch
- 2016-01-11
- Printer, PhD Movie, FSR T-Shirt, Dekans Lunch, Term Opening Party
- 2016-01-04
- Happy New Year!, Locker, Next Breakfast on 21.01.2015, T-Shirt, Printer Software
- 2015-12-14
- Graduation Ceremony, Printer, TShirts, Lockers, FIT
- 2015-12-08
- Nikofete, FIT
- 2015-11-30
- Examination board rules, Nikofete, Voluntary member, FIT status, FSK meeting
- 2015-11-23
- Breakfast, Sell the iMacs, Old hardware, New bioinformatics study regulations, FIT
- 2015-11-16
- Pub Crawl, Breakfast, Nikofete, Appointments Committee (Berufungskommite), Examination Board
- 2015-11-09
- Pub crawl, regular meetings, graduation celebration, Cryptoparty, Printer
- 2015-11-02
- Zapfanlage, Cryptoparty, Kneipentour
- 2015-10-27
- new volountary member, meeting time, Free beer, Dream Spark, FIT
- 2015-10-19
- Math preparation course, Next meetings, Breakfast, Volunteer member, StEP, Free beer, Busy Beaver Award, FIT
- 2015-10-13
- Cryptoparty, next meeting, new Hardware, descaling the coffee machine, exam regulations, save the date post cards for the FIT, Busy Beaver Awards, Math preparation course, room cleaning plan
- 2015-09-29
- Buying new hardware, New First-Aid-Kit, Ancient Documents, T-Shirts, Mailbox Labels, Step, Fit, Free Beer
- 2015-09-15
- Help Refugees, Representatives needed for the appointments committees W2 and W3, Faculty board needs new memebers, StEP, Sopra breakfast, Pub crawl, Ticket party
- 2015-09-01
- Asta Partys, T-Shirts, Sopra, PhD movie, job fair
- 2015-08-18
- Math preperation course, AStA Opening Party, Volunteer, T-Shirts, Ticket party, Lernfest, Missing members
- 2015-08-04
- Konstituierende Sitzung, Dank an den alten Fachschaftsrat, Logs in English, Jobs, One-time jobs, Volunteers, Access to services, Next meeting
- 2015-07-21
- Sommerfest, Wahlen, Verabschiedung Frau Schumacher Prüfungssekretariat, Begehung Informatikgebäude, Dankesrunde anlässlich des Legislaturendes des FSR
- 2015-07-14
- Fachschaftswahl, Dekanslunch, Sommerfest, Bericht vom Freibier, Finanzen der Mampfkasse, nächste SItzung, Verabschiedung von Barbara Schumacher
- 2015-07-07
- Banner, Wahl & Freibier, FSK, Dekanslunch, FIT, Tag der offenen Tür
- 2015-06-30
- FIT Helferessen, Campusfest, Fachschaftsschwenken, Banner, Pavillion, Dekanslunch, Tag der offenen Tür, FSK
- 2015-06-23
- Nachwuchsarbeit, Dekanslunch, Gästekarte, Fachschaftsschwenken, FIT Helferessen, Mailinglisten
- 2015-06-16
- Studienordnung, Fachschaftsratswahlen, Kaffeemaschine, Infosys, Tag der offenen Tuer, Step
- 2015-06-10
- Missbräuchliche Nutzung des Etikettiergerätes, Vollversammlung der Studierendenschaft, Neue Prüfungs- und Studienordnung, Mängel InfoSys, Fachschaftsratswahlen, Fachschaftsschwenken, Campusfest
- 2015-06-02
- InfoSys Beschwerden, Sommerfest, FIT, Drucker
- 2015-05-26
- Kneipentour, Offene Sitzung, Fruehstueck, FSR-Wahlen
- 2015-05-21
- Begrüßung, FIS Vorstand, Beamer, infotag.org Domain, ChiliProject migrieren, Automatischer Sitzungsreminder, Übersicht Aktivitäten in der nächsten Amtsperiode, Verbesserung der Studiensituation, Bericht Sommerfest, Bericht Schnitzeljagd, FITÜ, Ankündigung Fachschaftsfrühstück
- 2015-05-12
- Fehler im letzten Protokol, Tag der offenen Tür, Veranstaltungen, Fachschaftswahlen, Offene Sitzung
- 2015-05-05
- Semestereröffnung Kneipentour, FIT, Schwenknachmittag, Sommerfest, Offene Sitzung, Fachschaftenkonferenz, Campusfest, Seifenkistenrennen, Fackelzug Schröder, Fachschaftsfrühstück
- 2015-04-28
- FIS Mitgliederversammlung, Bericht vom Fachschaftsfrühstück, Kneipentour, Gemütliches Zusammensein in der Fachschaft, FIT
- 2015-04-22
- FIT, Sommerfest, Semestereröffnungkneipentour, Sitzungstermin unter dem Semester, Bundesweite Fachschaftenkonferenz, Fachschaftsfrühstück, Nachwuchsarbeit, FIS Mitgliederversammlung
- 2015-04-08
- Preis der besten Lehre, Fachschaftsfrühstück, Spieleabend
- 2015-03-25
- Cebit-Fahrt, Semestereröffnungsfeier, Aktionsplan: Nachwuchsförderung, C++-Kurs, FIT, FIS
- 2015-03-11
- Anwesenheit, CeBIT-Fahrt, Neue Webseite
- 2015-02-25
- Haris Rücktritt, Freie Mitarbeiter, Lan Kabel befestigen, Berufungskommission zur Rufabwehr Schröder, CeBIT, FIT, Abschlussarbeiten
- 2015-02-12
- Termin Feriensitzungen, CeBIT-Fahrt, FIT
- 2015-02-02
- Freiraum, Fachschaftsfrühstück, CeBIT, Abschlussarbeiten, Sponsoring, Verein, Cryptoparty, XMPP
- 2015-01-29
- Inventarliste, Fakultätsratssitzung, Verfügungsraum, Website, Cryptoparty, Fachschaftsfrühstück
- 2015-01-19
- Drucker, Cryptoparty
- 2015-01-15
- Fachschaftsfrühstück, FSK, Ticketparty, Nachwuchsarbeit, Nächste Sitzung
- 2015-01-08
- Cryptoparty, Prüfungsausschuss, Demo, Ticketparty, FIT, Vorweihnachtliche Aktivitäten, FSK, Rücktritt
- 2014-12-11
- Nikofete, Aktion Donnerstag, FIT, Protestaktionen, Prüfungsausschüsse, Leihverträge, Reinigungsplan
- 2014-12-08
- Constantin berichtet vom AStA, Weihnachtsmarkt, Nächste Sitzung
- 2014-12-01
- Jonas Teshome freier Mitarbeiter, Sparmaßnahmen, Semestereröffnungsfete, Ticketparty, Mampfkasse Accounts, Metrokarte aktualisieren, Weihnachtsmarkt, AStA-LAN, Fakultätsrat, Prüfungsausschuss Informatik, Dreamspark
- 2014-11-20
- Annahme der Wahl, freie Mitarbeiter, Aufgabenverteilung, Neuwahlen, Frühstücke, Mehr Souveränität für Teams, Medieninformatik Praktika, kostenlose Abschlussarbeiten
- 2014-11-04
- Semestereröffnungsfeier, Drucker, Wahl, Alte Möbel, Etikettiermaschine, Trennwände
- 2014-10-28
- Fachschaftsratswahl, Fachschaftenkonferenz, Frühstück, FIT, Umfrage des Referats für politische Bildung (ASTA)
- 2014-10-22
- FIT 2015, Fachschaftswahl, Flyerständer, Altklausuren, Semestereröffnungsfeier, Nachbesprechung STEP, Frühstück, Nächste Sitzung
- 2014-10-15
- Studentenfrühstück, E-Post, Cryptoparty, FIT, Nächste Sitzung
- 2014-10-09
- Weihnachtsmarkt, FIT-Website, FIT, Dreamspark, Drucker, Frühstücken, Semestereröffnungsfete, Abi-Messe, FakRat, Kühlschrank, Nächste Sitzung
- 2014-10-01
- Abi was dann?, Drucker, Chaos Communication Congress Streaming, Dreamspark, FIT, Stromausfall, Preis der besten Lehre
- 2014-09-24
- FIT, Sitzungsturnus, Semestereröffnungsfete, Drucker, Dreamspark, STEP
- 2014-09-10
- Öffentliches Frühstücken, Drucker, Briefkasten, Spieleabend Mathematik/Informatik, Prüfungsausschuss Cybersicherheit, Nikolausfete, C++ Kurs, Workshop zum Thema Unix, Stromabschaltung, AStA Lan, Unreal Engine
- 2014-08-27
- FIT, Semestereröffnungsfete, FIT-Tüten, Kannen-Kaffeemaschine, Gewinnspielpreise, STEP und Spieleabend mit der Mathe
- 2014-08-13
- FIT Rechnung, Neues Mampfkassen System, Abi was dann?, Semestereröffnungsfeier, Fachschaft-Events, Vereinshaftpflicht, STEP
- 2014-07-30
- Fahrten, Semestereröffnungsfete, Ansprechpartner Barrierefreiheit und Integration
- 2014-07-24
- Studentische Vertreter, Prüfungsausschuss Medieninformatik, Bericht über die letzte Sitzung, Bericht zum Informationsabend über Kürzungen an der Uni, Sommerfest, Preis der besten Lehre, Schwenkerpfand, Neue Fachschaftsrahmensatzung, Putzplan, Drucker
- 2014-07-03
- Sommerfest, Danksagung!, Fachschaftsratswahlen, Tag der offenen Tür, Dekanslunch, Diskussionsrunde, Aktionen des AStA, Drucker
- 2014-06-26
- Sommerfest, Tag der offenen Tür, Sparmaßnahmen, Werbetüten, StEP, Fachschaftsratswahlen, Vereinshaftpflichtversicherung, Drucker, Ticketparty
- 2014-06-20
- Ticketparty, Mampfkasse, Geschenktüten, STEP, Semestereröffnungsparty, Sommerfest 2014, Drucker, Vereinshaftpflicht für FIS, Begründungen für Beamer, Diskussion zu Einsparmaßnahmen
- 2014-06-13
- Drucker, Bericht von den Sparmaßnahmen, Sommerfest, Wahlen
- 2014-06-05
- Verbandskästen, Sommerfest, Urwahlen, Mini-Donut Maschine, Beamer, Mampfkasse, Notebookräume, Ticketparty, Neuer Freier Mitarbeiter
- 2014-05-30
- Sommerfest, Ticketparty, Wifi Router, Mini-Donut Maschine
- 2014-05-22
- Aktualisierung: Bildgebendes Gerät für den Fachschaftsraum, Tag der offenen Tür der Universität am 15.06
- 2014-05-16
- Sommerfest, AStA Demo gegen Sparmaßnahmen, Urwahlen, Raumzugang der Fachschaftsräume
- 2014-05-08
- Drucker, FiT Update, Dreamspark, Urwahlen, Sommerfest, Bildgeber, LAN-Kabel für den Notebookraum, MfI 3, Cryptoparty, AStA-LAN, Nebenläufige Programmierung
- 2014-04-29
- Sommerfest, Studien-/Prüfungsordnung, Gruppen-Urwahl Fakultätsrat, Eröffnungsfeier, FIT 2014, MFI 3, Windowslizenzen, Studentendrucker, Bildgeber für den Fachschaftsraum, Kommende Sitzungen, LAN-Kabel für den Notebookraum
- 2014-04-22
- Semestereröffnungsparty, Messefahrten, Gruppen-Urwahl Fakultätsrat, FIT
- 2014-04-16
- Studiengang Cybersecurity, FSR Meetings, FIT, Semestereröffnungsfeier, Gespräch mit Frau Reichrath, Verfügungsraum der Fachschaft für das SoPra
- 2014-04-02
- Sparmaßnahmen: Treffen in Staatskanzlei, HIZ, FIT
- 2014-03-19
- Semestereröffnungsparty, Firmeninformationstag
- 2014-03-05
- Raumhygiene, Semestereroeffnungsparty, FIT, CeBIT-Fahrt, Sponsoring (Verteilen von Werbegeschenken)
- 2014-02-19
- FSR Sitzungen, Drucker, FIT, StEP & FIT Orga, Aufenthalsraum für Eltern mit Kindern, Dreamspark, Semestertüten der Fachschaft Informatik
- 2014-02-04
- Bericht vom Dekanslunch, FIT, Fakultätsrat, Treffen in der vorlesungsfreien Zeit
- 2014-01-29
- Puenktlichkeit Sitzungen, Fakultaetsrat, Spendenuebergabe, Drucker, FIT-Team Bericht, Anfrage neue Vorlesung
- 2014-01-21
- Gewinnspiel FIT, Garderobe, Studienordnungen, Dekanslunch, Oeffentliche Emailadresse, Fachschaftenkonferenz
- 2014-01-15
- Zentrumsrat BI, Drucker, Dekanslunch, Antrag Freier Mitarbeiter, FIT-Team Bericht, Post, Kaffeemaschine
- 2014-01-07
- Bioinformatik Bericht, Drucker, Uebergabe Spende, Raumhygiene, Dreamspark, FIS, FIT, Semestereroeffnungsfete SS14
- 2013-12-18
- Garderobe/Handstaubsauger, Kühlschranknutzung, Ordnung, Glühweinkocher, NIkolausfeier
- 2013-12-10
- Nikolausfeier, Fachschaftskonferenz
- 2013-12-03
- Nikolausfete, NP-Gespräch, Dekanslunch/Treffen mit dem HIZ, Nächste Sitzung
- 2013-11-27
- German discussions again, Rückblick Informatikerparty, Nikolausfete 11.12.13, Social Networking, Ticketparty, Werwolfrunde der Fachschaft, Paul und Jonas freie Mitarbeiter, interne Mailingliste, Treffen mit Prof. Hermanns, Whiteboardmarker, Open Device Lab
- 2013-11-21
- Konstituierendensitzung, Zugang zu FIS, PR, Nikolausfete, FSR Termin für Treffen
- 2013-10-31
- Term opening party, FIT, sound system, Constantin reports from the FSK
- 2013-10-24
- Term opening party, compact camera, AStA meeting
- 2013-10-04
- Term opening party, Evaluations and busy beaver price, STEP presentation of us, elections, small investments, transponderkarte, sound system
- 2013-09-02
- sponsoring by red bull, STEP, FIT 2014, Saarland education savings, term opening party, Paul Szymanski free collaborator, Printerface "Transponderkarte"
- 2013-08-02
- no more Transponderkarte, sound system broken, Notebook and Seminar room improvements, Schwenker
- 2013-07-18
- use the FSR mailing list, party sponsoring, inverse FIT, STEP, deterioration material, evaluation, Hülya Apaydin free collaborator, Jonas Teshome free collaborator
- 2013-07-12
- summer party
- 2013-07-04
- elections, STEP, Printer, term opening party
- 2013-06-28
- summer party, live bus plan, open book exams, deans lunch
- 2013-06-20
- Council Elections
- 2013-06-14
- new furniture, term opening party, summer party, yearbook, sports event profs vs students, stuff, students representative council elections
- 2013-06-06
- summer party, SRC room interior, Printer, vservers for students, SRC elections
- 2013-05-31
- Summer party, Printer malfunction, Web hosting for students, XMPP server
- 2013-05-16
- summer party, buy schwenker, accounting for term opening party, term opening party, new furniture for the students representative councils room, ZiS introduction, free collaborators and the internal mailing list, free virtual servers for our students
- 2013-05-10
- New mail addresses for volunteers, International Office
- 2013-04-23
- Prof. Hoffmann & A.I. tutorials, New computer for the students council, Term Opening Party, Marc Resignation, FIT 2013
- 2013-04-16
- FIT, Study fair, Term opening party, Postmaster, New meeting time
- 2013-04-02
- FIT Team report, Semester opening party, Marc resigns
- 2013-03-19
- Trip to CeBit, Term opening party, Status FIT, Status FIS e.V., Furniture, iMacs
- 2013-02-19
- FIT, Servers, FIS constitutive meeting protocol, Printer
- 2013-02-05
- CeBit, FIT, Meetings during lecture-free time
- 2013-01-31
- Printer, Semester opening party, Fax machine
- 2013-01-22
- FIT, English minutes, sink in the seminar room
- 2013-01-17
- organising a trip to the CeBit, report of the "Zemtrumsrat Zentrum der Bioinformatik", buy a Schwenker? (saarlandish bbq grill), colored waste bins, old hardware standing around in our room, printer fixed
- 2013-01-08
- FIT, English translation of the homepage, Printer
- 2012-12-20
- FIT, Status des Rufs: Jens Dittrich, Dekanslunch, Evaluation, Englisch, next meeting
- 2012-12-11
- FIT Planungsstand, Fachschaftsdrucker (unser eigener), Prüfungsausschuss, Tiere in den Arbeitsräumen, vergünstigte Winterballtickets
- 2012-12-06
- "Karrieretüten" des Unicum, Bookmark Interna, Prüfungsausschüsse
- 2012-11-27
- FIT, Nikolausfete
- 2012-11-22
- Nikolausfete, FIT, LAN-Party, Serverlandschaft umziehen, Steckdosen an den Hörsäälen
- 2012-11-13
- Internet ist kaputt (DHCP geht nicht), Mailserver lahm, Karte Verfügungsraum, Abwicklung Finanzen Party, Wahlen Verein, FIT, Protokolle im Internet
- 2012-11-08
- FIS Vorstandswahlen, Homepage von FIS funktioniert nicht, Mergen der Mailinglisten csinfos, bioinfos, viscomps?, Waschbecken, Sicherheitszertifikat für die Website, Anonyme Klausurenkorrektur, Drucker, CS Webpage
- 2012-10-30
- Waschbecken im Verfügungsraum, Drucker, Gästekarten, Sitzungstermin, Lauftreff, Mailinglisten, Semestereröffnugnsparty
- 2012-10-17
- Terminfindung für die FSR Sitzungen, Mitgleider für PA Medieninformatik, LAN, zweiter Versuch, Thomas Pohl hat 3 Tassen, Semestereröffnungsparty, Post, Firmeninformationstag, Nikolausfete, Frauentoiletten im AudiMO immernoch defekt
- 2012-10-04
- Verfügungsraum für die Ingenieuerswissenschaft'ler Orientierungseinheit, Aufhängen des Kummerkastens, Onlineevaluisierungen, EVA SS12, Fackelzug/Studentendrucker, FIS, Bessere Integration der freien Mitarbeiter, Vorgehen bezüglich der Emails, Grüsse, Party, STEP12
- 2012-09-19
- Evaluierung, Drucker, Fackelzug, Semestereröffnungsparty, MasterSTEP
- 2012-09-05
- Onlineevaluation, Seminaranmeldefristen, Ruf Dittrich, neue Freie Mitarbeiter, neue Festplatte für den NAS, Kummerkasten an der Tür, UNIX-Kurs
- 2012-08-22
- STEP 2012 auf der Webseite, Emails für den FSR, Dokumentation der Aktivität des FSR, FIT2012, Seminare, Status Quo/Kummerkasten, LAN Party
- 2012-07-27
- Aufgabenverteilung, Ticketparties, Selbstverpflichtungszettel, Website erweitern, interne Mailingliste, UdS-Karten, Sitzungsplanung, Tutorium Systemarchitektur, Seminaranmeldung, Prüfungsaußchuß, FIS
- 2012-03-08
- Berichte aus Gremien, FIT, Multifunktionsgerät, Internetportal zum Vokabellernen, Evaluation, Job-Angebot Printerface (siehe Mail auf [FSR] vom 1.3.), Stipendienprogramm MINT Excellence (kam als E-Mail), Umzug von fs.uni-saarland.de (siehe Mail von Clemens an [FSR], 8.2.2012)
Fachschaftsrat der Informatikstudiengänge
der Universität des Saarlandes
Fachschaftsrat der Informatikstudiengänge
der Universität des Saarlandes