Exam Phase
We wish you most of success for the upcoming exam phase!
If you are in need for additional example tasks to prepare, you might want to take a look at our thought protocols.
We are grateful to all past students who have made the effort to contribute to this collection of thought protocols! Without their contribution we could not offer such a wide selection!
If you want to help us expand this collection, feel free to reach out to us, or anonymously drop a thought protocol into our post-box.

FSR Stammtisch
During the semester break we will, unfortunately, offer no regular Stammtisch after our meeting.
However, you are still free to use the Verfügungsraum (E1.3 R111) whenever it is not blocked by an event and someone can unlock it for you.
Just kindly ask some FSR member in R109 whether they could unlock it for you. The fridge with drinks at (nearly) cost price will also be available for you.
We hope to bring back the regular Stammtisch once the summer semester commences!
Latest Posts
Free Coffee & Breakfast January 2025

We are happy to invite you to yet another one of our famous free breakfasts, before the semester ends!
This breakfast happens on Friday, January 31st starting from 09:30 AM in our rooms (E1.3 R109) Join us for some fresh bread rolls and a wide variety of cold cuts, cheese and spreads! Additionally we will have a selection of fruits and vegetables, along with juices, and of course lots and lots of coffee!
Hope to see many of you there!
RindPhi Quiz Night January 2025

We are happy to start the new year off with one of our RindPhi Quiz Night!
This time, our hosts will be the MensaBar, right on campus! [1] (In the basement floor of Mensa, formerly Canossa). The Quiz Night happens there on January 22nd, starting from 07:00 PM. As per usual you can join up in teams of up to 6 persons.
In this Quiz Night you can join together as a team with your friends and challenge your fellow students and other participating teams in a competition for knowledge, wisdom and honor. Our moderator will challenge your minds in five exciting categories!
As we only have limited space please pre-register your team, to ensure a guaranteed spot! For more details, check the full post!
As usual, the winning team claims the reward of a 20€ Gift card!
Quiz-Mas Night December 2024

It’s beginning to look a lot like Quiz-Mas!And with these words, we would love to invite you to the last RindPhi Quiz Night of 2024!
This time, our hosts will be the Heimbar of the Rotenberg Dorm, right in the city centre! [1]. The Quiz Night happens there on December 18th, starting from 08:00 PM. As per usual you can join up in teams of up to 6 persons.
The new season of the RindPhi Quiz Night comes with some new exciting changes to make it more interesting!
In this Quiz Night you can join together as a team with your friends and challenge your fellow students and other participating teams in a competition for knowledge, wisdom and honor. Our moderator will challenge your minds in five exciting categories!
As we only have limited space please pre-register your team, to ensure a guaranteed spot! For more details, check the full post!
As usual, the winning team claims the reward of a 20€ Gift card!
Hackellauf – Torch Run

Professor Hack has received an offer from another university and since we would like to keep him here, there will be a torch run this Friday, December 13, 2024, at 5:00 PM starting in the foyer of E1.3. We will do a short tour across the campus together.
Many of you have probably already had the pleasure of attending one of his events, e.g. during Programming 2 or Compiler Construction, and were able to see for yourselves that Prof. Hack is very much an enrichment for Saarbrücken Computer Science.
So, fellow students, grab your torches and let’s show our appreciation for his work and teaching! ❤️🔥
Of course, we will bring and provide you with torches. As additional motivation, after the tour there’ll be mulled wine and children’s punch.
By the way: If you have any anecdotes about Prof. Hack, please share them with Manuel so that he can include them in his speech.
Advent of Code 2024 – FSR Leaderboard

Christmas season is upon us again, and as every year, many people are frolicking on the Christmas Market and warm themselves with Mulled Wine, Hot Chocolate, and lots of Candied Almonds. You are not interested in that, but still want to enjoy Christmas Season? Then we offer you the perfect alternative this year: For the third year in a row, we present to you “Advent of Code”.
Advent of Code (AoC) is a digital advent calendar designed by computer scientists for computer scientists, and therefore, every day there await small (and big) programming puzzles and challenges for you. With solving the two-part tasks you can earn up to two stars. For that you don’t need any prior knowledge of competitive programming or advanced algorithms and data structures. Best of all, you can even use your favourite programming language! The puzzles are usually designed in such a way that you can quickly find the solution with logical-analytical thinking and a little puzzling. The puzzles are also part of a cute little story in which you can help Father Christmas to make Christmas really happen. In the end, AoC is not necessarily about solving all the puzzles – real fans just want to save Christmas from the Grinch.
However, if you actually want a challenge, then AoC has this up its sleeve for you: if you are particularly fast and one of the first 100 to solve the task of the day, you will receive points on the global leaderboard. The student council has also created a private leaderboard for you, where you can compete with all other SIC students. Rumour has it that anonymous professors are also participating . It should be noted, however, that the puzzles for us are published at 06:00 in the morning – so if you want to climb to the top, you must not only steel your programming skills but also your will to get up early..
We believe that Advent of Code is a great opportunity for all students to challenge themselves and expand their skill set through various problems. Therefore, there are no students at SIC who cannot benefit from it.
This year, AoC starts on December 01st and ends December 25th. You can find more information on the AoC website: https://adventofcode.com/2024.
To join the private FSR leaderboard, use our code 2253378-eb43346f
on https://adventofcode.com/2024/leaderboard/private. If you already participated last year, you are already part of the leaderboard and don’t need to do anything else.
Disclaimer: Advent of Code is not hosted or organised by the Student Council of Computer Science. We are just big fans of the concept and want to promote it at our faculty.