Hall of Fame

On this page we keep track of the most successful teams for both the individual quiz nights but also for the overall ranking across all events. In order to correctly consider you in the overall ranking, make sure to use the same team name in different events.

Overall Ranking Season 2023/2024

1 ?Ich hoffe wir können den Namen noch ändern
2 ?Not Last Place
3 ?The Big Eraser
6∞ Reasons Why
7The Three Amigos (But noone else wants to sit with us)
8Banh my tit
8Nett hier
10Die Ahnung
10Not found
12Cunning Puzzlers
146 Persons 1 Braincell
15Couch Contestants
15NUR Zwiebeln ?
15Touch Grass
19Die Vier Fragezeichen????
19One Team to Rule Them All
19Never Gonna Give You Up
23Number One
23Blau und Schlau
25Unga Bungas
25Die Ratlosen Rettiche
25New Name
25Porca Bella
25Die Wissbegierigen Wirsinge
31Los cuatros mosqueteros
31Frag nicht was für Saft
34Sekt Martin
34Last Place
38We know nothing Jon Snow
38Affe sucht Liebe
38The LJs
38Babushka CCTV
38Not Losers

6. RindPhi Quiz Night (May 2024)

1 ?DiLemma50
2 ?∞ Reasons Why39.5
3 ?Ich hoffe wir können den Namen noch ändern39
4Nett Hier37
4Banh my tit37
6Not found33.5
7Cunning Puzzlers33
96 Persons, 1 Braincell30
10Touch Grass29
12Number One25
12Die Wissbegierigen Wirsinge25
14Frag nicht was für Saft22,5
15Last Place12
16Not Losers6

5th RindPhi Quiz Night (March 2024)

1 ?Ich hoffe wir können den Namen noch ändern49
2 ?NUR Zwiebeln ?38
3 ?Never Gonna Give You Up35,5
4Not Last Place32,5
5Porca Bella29,5
7Sekt Martin24,5
8Babushka CCTV20,5

4th RindPhi Quiz Night (September 2023)

1 ?Fachschaftsratlos
2 ?Los cuatros mosqueteros
3 ?New Name
5The LJs

Remark: Unfortunately the exact points for the fourth round have been lost 🙁

3rd RindPhi Quiz Night (June 2023)

1 ?Ich hoffe wir können den Namen noch ändern40
2 ?Not Last Place35
3 ?Die Ratlosen Rettiche29
4The Big Eraser25
5Die Vier Fragezeichen22
6We know nothing Jon Snow18

2nd RindPhi Quiz Night (May 2023)

1 ?The Big Eraser47
2 ?Blau und Schlau42
3 ?Die Vier Fragezeichen????41
4The three amigos (But nobody else wants to sit with us)40
5Not last Place37
6One Team to Rule Them all28

1. RindPhi Quiz Night (April 2023)

1 ?Ich hoffe wir können den Namen noch ändern37
2 ?Fachschaftsratlos34
3 ?The three amigos (But nobody else wants to sit with us)29
3 ?Die Ahnung29
5The Big Eraser25
6Not last Place24
7Couch Contestants23
9One Team to Rule Them All19
10Unga Bungas16
13Affe sucht Liebe6[1]

[1] Had to leave after round 1