StEP – orientation event for new Students

? Informationen über die deutschsprachige Bachelor-StEP findet ihr auf der deutschen Seite.

Every semester before the start of lectures, the student council of the computer science programmes organizes several introductory events for new students called StEP (short for German student introductory phase), which is intended to help new students in the computer science programs get started in their studies. The StEP usually takes place the week before lectures begin.

You’ve already attended StEP and of course listened “very carefully”, but nevertheless have forgotten a few details ?? Then take a look at our orientation document, which summarises the most important topics! You can download it from the StEP website.

StEP summer semester 2024

Master StEP takes place from April 11th to 12th on Campus (not online!). More information and a schedule can be found on the StEP website (see blue button above).

We want to tell you everything you need about your new university, its structure, the support institutions and amenities, how to get around in Saarbrücken and -if you just arrived from abroad- some quick start tips for Germany. We hope to address all of your study-related questions and help you get started as smoothly as possible.

If you currently have more questions just write us a mail or visit our Discord.

International StEP winter semester 2024/25

For the new international Bachelor study programmes Computer Science and Cybersecurity we also offer a separate introductory event. This is scheduled to take place before the start of the corresponding winter term. Therefore, the StEP is not yet planned.

If you currently have more questions just write us a mail or visit our Discord.