After we have wrapped up the first season of our Quiz Night, it will return for a second season of the RindPhi Quiz Night!
Meaning all scores will be reset, so everyone has an equal chance again! For our first iteration of the second season, we will be at the Heimbar/Atrium of the Waldhaus Dormitory! [1]. The Quiz Night happens there on October 25th, starting from 08:30 PM. As per usual you can join up in teams of up to 6 persons.
The new season of the RindPhi Quiz Night will come with some new exciting changes to make it more interesting!
In this Quiz Night you can join together as a team with your friends and challenge your fellow students and other participating teams in a competition for knowledge, wisdom and honor. Our moderator will challenge your minds in five exciting categories!
As we only have limited space please pre-register your team, to ensure a guaranteed spot! For more details, check the full post!
As usual, the winning team claims the reward of a 20€ Gift card!
Just like in the first season times, the team of Heimbar will tend to your needs and offer drinks at affordable prices. We from the FSR will take care that you are supplied with free snacks for the evening. So join us and have a great evening with your friends.
The second iteration of the RindPhi Quiz Night opens its’ doors on October 25th 2024 at 8:30 PM at the Atrium of Waldhaus Dormitory [1]. The Quiz itself will start at around 09:00 PM to give everyone a chance to get prepared for the quiz and grab a drink. As per usual for our events, participating in the Game Night is completely free for you! And just like last time, there will be a special price for the winning team.
For any other questions regarding the Quiz Night, check out the FAQ.
For the quiz night you join together as teams of six persons to answer our questions. Due to limited available space, a pre-registration for your team is definitely recommended. If you pre-register, please also make sure that you can make it to the Quiz and arrive before we start.
To register your team, just send a mail with the subject “Registration Quiz Night October 2024” to lukas@cs.fs.uni-saarland.de with the following information:
- Name of your team (In case you already have one, otherwise just the name of one team member)
- Number of persons in your team
you will get a reply from us confirming your registration (If places are still available) or a slot on our waiting list otherwise.
Optimally you already are a team of six and register as such. However, it is definitely possible to register as individuals or as a smaller team. Depending on the space available we might join you up with other teams in that case.
If you registered as a team please make sure, that you arrive for the start of the quiz until 9:00 PM. Only then we will be able to guarantee you a spot.
In case you did not register before the event but just join spontaneously, we will try to accomodate you in some way, However, we cannot give any guarantees that we can offer you a spot. Therefore if you definitely want to take part, make sure to pre-register.