Meeting Minutes

Present:Anna Reindl, Christian Baldus, Christian Willms, Jannis Froese, Janosch Gräf, Nicolas Erbach, Sebastian Kappler, Thomas Haslbauer
Moderator:Jannis Froese
Minute taker:Nicolas Erbach


Office supplies

Nicolas restocked the marker in the different rooms. They are half empty. We need at least two new packages.

The thick paper runs out. The task force print wants 5 new packages of paper.

We decided to buy the aforementioned stuff.

Nicolas will tell the FIS.

Printer limit will be reached soon

Due to the new location of the printer and the thesis printing service we will reach the global printing limit in about two months.

We will ask the FdSI first if they are willing to pay more for toner. We think about adjusting our payments so they meet the FdSI ones.

Dean's Lunch

Professor Dittrich asked us to have another Dean's Lunch soon. The Deans Lunch will be on Thursday, 20th of April, 12:15pm (noon).

Busy Beaver

Nicolas and Thomas analyzed the evaluation of the courses and presented the results to the council.

We decided on the winners.

We will buy present baskets and prepare the awards.

Thomas and Nicolas will inform the professors.

Math preparation course honoration

We will honor the maths preparation course in the opening lecture.

They didn't fully use their approved financial supplies so we decided to grant them the difference for usage in their BBQ party.

The service office asks for help

The "Geschäftszimmer" asks us if we can help again after the semester opening lecture and set up tables, and serve drinks and food.

Nicolas, Anna, Christian W., Thomas and others volunteered.


Christian announces the breakfast (no brunch) for the 25th of April, from 10am.

The food will be announced later.

We should make advertisements for the upcoming council elections.

Pub crawl

Anna talks about the pub crawl. It will probably be on Thursday, 27th of April. Probably in cooperation with anglistic, coli. Anna may ask the romanistic if they want to join.

We may change the modus operandi this time, as we don't have enough group leaders. We will give the students a map, so they can move from pub to pub on their own.

We decided that we will pay for the first round as usual.

Janosch will update the registration and put it online.

Semester opening lecture

Nicolas will ask Dean Prof. Hoffmann if we get our usual 10 minute slot in the beginning of the semester opening lecture (not bachelor).

We have the following topics:
- busy beaver
- honor math course
- events:
- pub crawl
- breakfast
- next
- council elections: new member acquisition

graduation ceremony

The next graduation ceremony will be soon.

In the past we contributed 11 Euro per student.

We decided to keep that contribution for the next event.

Janosch will tell this the MMCI and the FIS.

Helpers for the NEXT

We cooperate with the KWT for our business-students-contact-event. SO we need to provide workforce for the NEXT. We need at least 10 people on May 11th from 8am to 8pm and around 5 people on May 10th 3pm to 6pm for preparation.

Nicolas will create a dudle. All elected members are OBLIGED to help! Other people are kindly invited to help (free food).

two appointments committee

Erich asked us for two people each to participate in a appointments committee.

Thomas volunteered as first member for both committees. Jannis will be second member.

Nicolas will tell Erich this.

physical alteration in the "Verfügungsraum"

As some of our stuff in the "Verfügungsraum" disappeared we think about solutions for our wall of shame.

The facility management offered us to build a wall with a door as we desire.

We have to decide where this wall will be (directly in the niche or in the middle of the room) and if we want to have a full wall or grid/bars.

We decided that we want a grid/bars wall in the niche.

Nicolas will talk to the facility management for the further process and price.

Next meeting

Next monday is holiday (Ostermontag), for that reason we move our next meeting to Wednesday, 19th of April, 6pm.