Meeting Minutes

Present:Anna Reindl, Christian Willms, Jannis Froese, Janosch Gräf, Nicolas Erbach, Tanapuch Wanwarang (from: 18:15), Dominic Zimmer, Noshaba Cheema, Annabelle Weber, Dorian Reineccius, Simon Anell
Moderator:Anna Reindl
Minute taker:Janosch Gräf


Ice Cream Tomorrow

There will be ice cream tomorrow! We start at 12 noon.

NEXT dinner

KWT will invite NEXT helpers for dinner. We will choose a date in the last two weeks in June. Nicolas will make a Doodle.

NEXT Feedback

We will have a seperate meeting with KWT about the financial results. We received minor complaints from companies, but altogether got good feedback.

We plan to have the next NEXT in buildings across the street too.

Next Meeting

Next week's meeting will be also on Wednesday due to a holiday on Monday.

Farewell parties for leaving members

We plan to have a farewell parties for members that leave the council. Tanapuch will figure out the rest.

Certificate for voluntary work

We want to give certificates and other incentives for voluntary members. We want to also advertise for people to join us at events (StEP, lectures, pub crawl, etc.) and on posters. We should also target more on master students.

Listing past members

We want to mantain an internal list of current and past members.

New voluntary member

Dominic wants to join us as voluntary member. We voted unanimously for him to join us