Meeting Minutes

Present:Jannis Froese, Janosch Gräf, Jonas Teshome, Nicolas Erbach, Nora Traykova (from: 18:51), Thomas Haslbauer, Annabelle Weber, Dominic Zimmer (till: 18:44), Noshaba Cheema (from: 18:32), Simon Anell
Moderator:Jonas Teshome
Minute taker:Nicolas Erbach


council election administrator needed

Nicolas was at AStA to ask about possible election dates. It turns out the only possible week is week 29 (one week before the last semester week).

The administrator needs to announce the election, collect the candidates, find helpers and count votes.

We will ask Dieter (who was administrator last year) and the MINT students' council.

Open university day

On Saturday is Open University Day. MMCI asked us to help like every year, i.e. help with the preparations on Friday and operating the popcorn machine and make balloons.

Nicolas created a dudle. Please fill it out.

appointsment committees

There will be 3 appointment committees in the near future. We decided on who to send there.

Thick Paper

The task force print wants to have a constant supply of thick paper as it constantly runs out (and run out this week) and the council meetings don't have quorate to decide for it.

next meeting

The next meeting will be on Monday, 26th of June, 6pm c.t.

NEXT Restaurant

We will go to Langenfeld on 3rd of July at 7pm. There will be a invitation mail.


The Masterkolleg asked us how we support international master students for exams. Janosch will mail them for further communication.