Meeting Minutes

Present:Anna Reindl, Christian Willms, Jannis Froese, Nicolas Erbach, Sarah Hoffmann, Sebastian Kappler, Tanapuch Wanwarang (till: 18:39), Dieter Merkel, Dominic Zimmer (from 18:26, till: 18:45), Dorian Reineccius, Simon Anell, Alexander Dax, Nils Alznauer, Jesko Dujmovic
Moderator:Nicolas Erbach
Minute taker:Simon Anell


Cleaning of rentable rooms

The issue of cleaning the "Verfügungsraum" was mentioned. Actually the cleaning personal should clean it, including the bins. We decided to forward the issue to Sabine.

Voting for voluntary member Dominic

Dominic was accepted as a full voluntary member.

IT issues

Erich Reindel asked us if there was any IT hardware that we think is necessary for our students.
Add it here:
For example video cable adapters, keyboards and mouses.
We will meet Erich Reindel within the next two weeks.

Mathe Vorkurs

The math preparation course is organized by voluntary members. For their work they need a financial aids for materials, scripts, shirts and so on. We will decide this reviewing our finances.


The summerparty team bought and prepared awesome grilled cheese with tomatoes and onions. In addition there will be sausages, Schwenkers, beer, drinks and cakes.
Still it would be nice to have some more salads.

Election helpers

We need helpers for the election. Every helper will get vouchers for the MenSaar.
Please fill out this dudle with your name and email address: