Meeting Minutes

Present:Benedikt Schardt, Beste Ekmen, David Bach, Dion Schirr, Dominic Zimmer, Jesko Dujmovic, Julian Baldus (from: 18:25), Julian Dörfler, Kai Vogelgesang, Nils Alznauer, Philip Wellnitz, Simon Anell, Sven Ehses (till: 18:25), Nicolas Erbach, Huyen Vu Thi Thanh, Sven Tangermann, Steven Uder, Henrik Köster, Clemens Beining, Alexander Rokgovskyy, Egla Hajdini
Moderator:Nils Alznauer
Minute taker:Nicolas Erbach


New Structure of Bachelor/Master Seminar

Prof. Krüger proposed a new structure of the thesis seminar for his students (that may be applied to all students), e.g. having a fixed length literature and research phase before giving the seminar talk, so there are similar opportunities between the students.

Our telegram broadcast channel is not updated anymore

We stopped updating our telegram broadcasting channel for event announcements. We want to revive the channel so students can subscribe to it again.

AStA wants a protocol software

AStA asks us if they can use our protocol software. We are not sure if we can redistribute the code. We have to check that. As our protocol software is very bugged, we will recommend AStA to use the software from RWTH Aachen that we want to use ourselves.

KIF 46,5

David, Benedikt and Julian B. are back from the KIF 46,5. They will report about the last KIF next week or the week after.

We shortly discuss if we could host a KIF in 2020:

Simon talked with Erich. He generally supports it.

We need to reserve seminar/meeting rooms beforehand.

We need accommodation for up to 250 people. We called the youth hostel Saarbrücken. We will talk to the sports center on campus if we can use one of their halls.

In two years most of the current members will probably not be here anymore. This complicates organization.

We would like to host a KIF and form a task force that will check if it is possible to organize. The task force will consist of David, Beste, Julian B., Benedikt and Simon A.

Free Breakfast in November

There will be a free breakfast for the students on Thursday, 15th November. Julian D. will publish a Dudle soon.


Our pubcrawl in cooperation with the Linguistics and Anglistics students council will be on 22nd November.

Registration is mandatory and available at

We want to add a "I (can) speak English" checkbox to the form to prevent to have English people in German only speaking groups.

Building closed down during AStA semester opening party

Because the computer science buildings were heavily defaced during the last AStA term opening party, the department decided to close down the building during the event.

The entrance to the buildings E1 1 and E1 3 will be closed for students from Friday, 9th from 7:30pm to Sunday, 11th November, until 8am.