Meeting Minutes

Present:Annabelle Weber, Dominic Zimmer, Kai Vogelgesang, Sven Ehses, Nicolas Erbach, Thomas Haslbauer, Sven Tangermann, Clemens Beining (from: 16:49), Atul Jha, Elena Werny, Henrik Köster, Adrian Dapprich, Simon Döring, Alexander Rogovskyy
Moderator:Annabelle Weber
Minute taker:Sven Ehses


Cleaning- Schedule

Please fill out the claning dudle until the end of today:


Please fill out the next feedback.

The next-helpers meeting/feedback round will take place at 16:00 at E1.1 407. Everybody should wear the red next shirt.

Campus Ralley

For the "Forschungstage der Informatik", the idea is to create an interactive ralley where the participants should be guided through the campus. Our job will be to distribute some qr codes to allow the interactive ralley. The responsible persons will take care of this.

Summer BBQ

The Summer BBQ of the Computer Science and the Maths Department will take place on Thursday, July 11, at 10 am on Lawn in front of E2.3. Please show up.
David will give us more insight next week.

We will have to hang up the Posters tomorrow.


The Computer Linguistic Student Council asked us for help at their meeting of all Computer Linguistic Student Councils from Germany. Unfortunately, not many people had time to help. Sorry for this.

Task Forces

We voted that the task forces have power to decide about topics relevant to task force itself by themselves like in the last period.

Board Games Night

The games task force came up with the idea to create a regular board games night. We will inform you about the first game night.