Meeting Minutes

Present:Nils Alznauer, Clemens Beining, Adrian Dapprich, Simon Döring, Beste Ekmen, Annabelle Weber, Elena Werny, Alexander Rogovskyy, Karl Schrader, Daniel Wägner, Hans
Moderator:Nils Alznauer
Minute taker:Adrian Dapprich


Q&A Session

The Q&A session last Thursday went well. We will continue offering these sessions every Thursday from 17:30-18:30 until we feel it's not needed anymore.

Old Exams

Currently we cannot distribute the old exams. Until the exam phase approaches we hope that students can enter the uni again so we can give out prints.


We got an offer for a "digital absolventenfeier" from HORBACH. Nils will ask them about it. Maybe we will take them up on it.

Annabelle got an offer by Corona School, a digital platform to tutor school kids who cannot go to school atm. Interested students wanted.