Meeting Minutes

Present:Alexander_Rogovskyy, Adrian_Dapprich, Lukas_Abelt, Nils_Alznauer, Clemens_Beining, Simon_Döring, Sophie_Kohler, Keerthana_Burly, Lisa_Raber (from 18:23, till: 19:12), Munem_Shahriar, Ayush_Sharma, Nicolas_Erbach, Simon (till: 18:45)
Moderator:Simon Döring
Minute taker:Lukas Abelt


Seminar Rooms

We were joined by a guest today who made a proposal regarding the seminar rooms.

Their concern was that at the moment, there are no dedicated "quiet" seminar rooms as they are often used by groups which can be distracting when you try to work in peace.

We propose to dedicate at least one of the seminar rooms as a "solo work room" and update the door signs, making it clear that this is a room where you are supposed to be quiet.

We discussed some potential rooms, however we have to clarify with Erich which ones can be used for this purpose.


The planning for our breakfast on Friday is going well. Lukas gave a brief overview over the planning and we clarified some last points.

Also as a reminder to everyone: Our free Breakfast and Brunch is happening this Friday, May 13th starting at 10am. It is free for all CS students, so drop by if you're hungry or just looking for coffee.

University's Open Day

We talked about the University's Open Day last week. Everything we discussed then has changed.
We have now been asked to simply be available to talk to prospective students about studying at Saarland University, who are interested to start their studies here.

Last week Nils, Lukas and Lisa already volunteered to be there. Alex has also expressed his interest to take part. If available, Manuel will also assist.


The NEXT Job Fair is happening on June 9th. Please come by. It is a great opportunity to get in touch with potential employers from Saarland and all around Germany.

Students' Council Shirts

We should get new shirts of the Students' Council for our elected members. These will most likely be sponsored by SIC.

Alex will contact SIC about the sponsoring.