Meeting Minutes

Present:Alexander_Rogovskyy, Adrian_Dapprich (till: 19:40), Lukas_Abelt, Nils_Alznauer, Clemens_Beining, Simon_Döring, Manuel_Messerig, Sophie_Kohler, Keerthana_Burly (till: 19:47), Munem_Shahriar, Nicolas_Erbach, Julian_Baldus, Anton_Voran
Moderator:Manuel Messerig
Minute taker:Lukas Abelt



Lukas Redemann contacted Clemens to ask whether someone of us wants to put themselves up for election. There is a deadline until this friday. They have a meeting once a month for roughly three hours. The StuPa is basically the highest institution in the student politics at campus.

No one expressed their interest. If anyone changes their mind they can contact Clemens until Friday.


Clemens, Julian and Lukas went to KIF 50,0 in Ulm (um Ulm und um Ulm herum).

The KIF is a conference where all Students Council for Computer Science Study Courses from all over Germany meet up. During the four days there are different working groups that work various topics, ranging from students politics to study coordination.
Clemens, Julian and Lukas briefly presented some of the working groups they were part of. A whole report of all working groups we visited is available (in German) as a final report.

The next KIF will take place in Berlin from 17.08.2022-21.08.2022. We encourage everyone to think if they want to go there.

Student Council Financing

During the KIF Lukas got in touch with other council about how they finance their events.

Basically a lot of council get much more money from the Studierendenbeiträge. We have observed that AStA/StuPa doesn't release their budget so it is intransparent for students where this money goes.

We voted on whether we want to ask, as a Student's Council, at the next FSK meeting that they make this budget public:
Yes: 9
No: 0
Abstaining: 1

AStA Office Supplies

We have ordered Office supplies via AStA. However, AStA does not accept just ordering at Amazon but rather just have a dedicated store they use.

However this store is much more expensive than just ordering at Amazon and there were some minor mistakes in ordering, because of which we were overcharged.
We want to talk to AStA to bring up the topic why office supplies are bought on a more expensive supplier.

We voted on the matter:
Yes: 9
No: 0
Abstaining: 1

Game Night

Manuel gave a brief summary of our Game Night last week.

We had up to 57 people attending concurrently. Generally the feedback was very positive and their was a good vibe overall.

However there also were some problems to consider for the next event:
* Overall organization should be improved
* We didn't have enough registrations for the Smash tournament
* Father's day wasn't taken into consideration, so a lot of people probably were on vacation and couldn't attend
* The carpet at the entrance to E1.1 took some spilling damage. It will be taken for cleaning.

Nicolas also gave some feedback and just mentioned that the organization should be improved for the next time, even though it was mostly not noticable for everyone attending. Sophie also critisized that there should be a more thorough organization for the next time.

Alex mentioned that in the future we should dedicate more responsibilies to people to welcome people, distributing board games, tending the kitchen.

Nontheless, we thank Manuel for organizing this Game Night. We also thank the MMCI for leeting us use the room and the MPI for their technical assistance on short notice.

Manuel suggested to repeat the Game Night monthly.

New TV

Manuel has a TV to give away that he would donate to the Student's Council, since he got a new one. He suggested we use it as a display on events to advertise our future events.
Alex also suggested we may put it on the wall outside our office to display this information.

He asks whether anyone had an issue with that. No one raised concerns.


The NEXT job fair is coming up on June 9th 2022. Feel free to attend the event. It is a great opportunity to get in touch with employers from Saarland and all around Germany.

Alex and Nils gave us a brief update on the organization and what still needs to be done.
There will be a "NEXT - How To" for every volunteer on Tuesday, June 7th 6pm, in the Student's Council Room. This will be used to give a brief overview of what needs to be done and how it should be done. If someone cannot attend this due to important reasons, this will be repeated on short notice sometime on Wednesday.

Meeting Slot in the upcoming Week

Regularly our next meeting would be next week on Monday. However, next week Monday is a public holiday.

We voted to skip next weeks meeting. The vote was unanimous in favor of that.

Japanese Minor

Before Covid it was possible to have Japanese as a minor course for the Computer Science bachelor, since the feature offered some additional seminars apart from language courses.

This additional seminar where financed by the Computer Linguistic Department, however since the teacher retired the new teachers position now only includes the language courses but not the seminars.

The teacher would be willing to offer the additional seminars if the financing would be available. Alex suggested we as the Students' Council to ask the Computer Science faculty whether they would be willing to finance such a position to allow students to take a Japanese Minor again.

We voted on the matter. The council uninamously agreed to that.

Siegelstempel & Stickers

Manuel suggested that we all chip together to get a seal stamp. Manuel asked around who would be interested to do that (We will not ask the FIS for money for that)

On a similar note, Lukas has ordered RindPhi stickers. Anyone who is interested to get some, please contact him.

Silent Working Room

A few weeks ago we discussed dedicating one of the seminar rooms to be used as a silent working room. We asked Erich whether this would be okay and he agreed.

We will put up the information accordingly


We were informed this morning that we need to stop hanging up posters after the NEXT since it was getting a bit out of hand.

After the NEXT we will have a chat with Erich to discuss if and where we can put up posters in the future.


We had some request of people borrowing the Schwenker. It will be rented out on 3rd and 30th of June.