Meeting Minutes

Present:Alexander Rogovskyy, Max Walter (till: 17:49), Lukas Abelt, Clemens Beining (from: 17:51), Manuel Messerig, Sophie Kohler (from: 16:55), Anton Voran, Mona Schappert, Ferdinand Könneker, Anton Wittig (till: 17:29), Nicolas Erbach, Nils Alznauer, Simon Döring (from: 17:00)
Moderator:Manuel Messerig
Minute taker:Anton Voran



The next breakfast will take place on Wednesday, the 08/02/2023. We will offer soup, breadrolls, cheese and the other stuff we usually had.

Next time we might make curry as it is warm food and easy to prepare.

New Social Events

The Social Event Task Force had a meeting where they came up with lots of ideas for new social events. For example we might offer monthly quiz-nights, which are similiar to pub-quizzes.
Furthermore we plan to do a speed-friending event at the beginning of the semester such that people get to know each other.
We might try to offer outdoor-events and a karaoke-evening, which might return depending on how well they are accepted.
A major event would be a quiz-battle at some time in the semester, where it will be decided whether students or professors have greater knowledge. These might take place in the GHH with an audience, so people can attend
We plan to continue the game-nights, as they have been well visited in the past, however they might be less often. However we will still try to offer at least one social event per month.


Some lectures have too few or even no tutors at all, which means they often take a lot of time for grading exercise sheets. Furthermore we think it helps students if they have a person who is different than the professor who is helping them understand the lecture contents as they (usually) have taken the lecture themselves.
We think if this trend continues it will have a negative effect on the quality of teaching. Furthermore, the tutor contract is not that specific, e.g. tutors might or might not help grading the exam.
To improve this situation, we think it would be a good idea if a tutor could attend a tutors seminar where they get prepared for their job. In the past these seminars have been well accepted.
To improve the situation we might additionally ask for a better standardisation of the tutor job description and better recruiting of tutors.
We will bring up this topic in the upcoming Deans Lunch.

Deans Lunch

We NEED a Deans Lunch. There are only few possible time slots for that, which means we will create a doodle where all relevant people are invited. We voted that we will sponsor pizza for the Deans Lunch (9 in favour, 0 against, 0 abstaining).


We have agreed that we want to have the lockers from the Bioinfo. As they want to get them out of their office as soon as possible, we will store them in the seminar room until we get feedback from the facility management whether our plans for them are okay.