
Game Day

This Friday the 30.08 we are organizing our game night day in E1.3 from 2 p.m. There will be snacks and drinks again and during the day we will order pizza.

You are invited to bring your favorite board game or console. If you have just come from the SoPra exam, this is the perfect moment to relax and get to know potential members of the group phase.

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RindPhi Quiz Night September 2024 – Season Finale!

After a longer than expected pause, the RindPhi Quiz Night returns!. This time, we are hosted by the Heimbar of the Wohnheim E, right on Campus! [1]. The Quiz Night happens there on September 07th. As per usual you can join up in teams of up to 6 persons.

This Quiz Night in particular is kind of a special iteration: It will be the last Quiz Night after the first season. This means that afterwards we fill tally the final scores to award the overall winner of all Quiz Nights until now. Of course the Quiz nights will continue after that, but the scores will be reset to zero.

In this Quiz Night you can join together as a team with your friends and challenge your fellow students and other participating teams in a competition for knowledge, wisdom and honor. Our moderator will challenge your minds in four exciting categories!

As we only have limited space please pre-register your team, to ensure a guaranteed spot! For more details, check the full post!

As usual, the winning team claims the reward of a 20€ iCoffee Gift card!

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Summer-BBQ 2024

Also this year, the joint summer festival of the student councils of the Computer Science and Mathematics departments is back! On July 4, 2024, starting at 10:00 AM, you’ll find us on the lawn between the Günther-Hotz Lecture Hall and E2.5.

As always, we will be firing up the Schwenker and offering a variety of grilled foods at low prices. We will also have several vegan and vegetarian options available. The Mathematics student council will provide soft drinks and beer at fair prices.

Additionally, we are delighted to offer a free cake and salad buffet again this year. For the cakes, we are kindly supported by a donation from the FdSI. We would like to extend our heartfelt thanks for this support!

As always,You can also contribute to making this year’s summer festival a great success:

  • As always, we want to offer a salad buffet. To make this as diverse as possible, we need your help. If you want to make any contributions to this, we would be more than happy! To make it a little easier for us to plan, please send a mail to Lukas.
  • During, before and after the event, we will need some helpers, especially for set-up and deconstruction, schwenking (as in, operating the grill) and general upkeep during the event. If you are interested to help, enter your availability in the Dudle or contact Lukas for more information (Also useful if we do not have any contact of you yet)

Of course your help will be rewarded as you will receive tickets for some free foods and drinks.

We are kindly sponsored for our summer festival by Centigrade, which has offices right here on campus. Centigrade is one of the leading UX agencies and supports the best companies in their industry in the strategic development of digital product experiences that are unrivalled in design. Whether requirements analysis, UX design, gamification or front-end development and design ops – the enthusiasm of users in the digital transformation is the measure of all things for everyone in the team. Feel free to stop by the Centigrade booth to chat with their employees about their work and daily life at Centigrade. You can also grab a free iced coffee at their booth! Additionally, Centigrade is always looking for interested and motivated students and offers internships, working student positions, or even full-time jobs for after your studies. For more information, check out Centigrade’s open positions.

We look forward to welcoming you to the summer festival in just under two weeks and hope to celebrate with you before exams with good weather, music, and great vibes!

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Breakfast & Lunch June 2024

We are happy to also continuer our free breakfasts in this summer!

The next breakfast will commence on June 25th, starting at 9h30 AM in our room (E1.3 R109). COme and join us for some bread rolls with a variety of toppings (vegan options are available!), as well as fresh fruit and juices. And of course coffee…. Lots and lots of coffee

To also give you some energy for the afternoon, we will also offer freshly made Hot-Dogs starting at around 11h30! We do have both vegan and non-vegan (halal) options available with toppings you can freely choose!

This breakfast is sponsored by anynines who have their offices right here on Campus! If you are interested in modern cloud solutions and want to get some hands-on experience in that field, anynines might be the right fit for you! anynines has made it their mission to simplify the complex world of cloud computing for companies through cloud automation and data solutions in the area of Kubernetes and Cloud Foundry and is always on the lookout for talented and motivated students for internships, working students and even full time positions for when you finish your degree! For more information, check out their job offers.

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RindPhi Quiz Night June 2024

The RindPhi Quiz Night once again returns for its fifth iteration, after a short pause. This time, we are hosted by the Rooftop Bar of the Guckelsberg Dormitory [1]. The Quiz Night happens there on June 20th. As per usual you can join up in teams of up to 6 persons.

In this Quiz Night you can join together as a team with your friends and challenge your fellow students and other participating teams in a competition for knowledge, wisdom and honor. Our moderator will challenge your minds in four exciting categories!

As we only have limited space please pre-register your team, to ensure a guaranteed spot! For more details, check the full post!

As usual, the winning team claims the reward of a 20€ iCoffee Gift card!

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Public Screening Football European Cup 2024


We are pleased to also announce that we will show all matches of the german team in the KO-Rounds as well. Starting off with the round of 16 match against Denmark on Saturday, June 29th at 21:00/09:00 PM in the Günther-Hotz Lecture Hall.

An overview of all potential upcoming matches that we will show:

  • Round of 16: June 29th on 21:00/09PM in GHH (E2.2)
  • Quarter Final: July 5th on 18:00/06PM in GHH (E2.2)
  • Half Final: July 10th on 21:00/09PM in HS002 (E1.3)
  • Final: July 14th on 21:00/09PM in GHH (E2.2)

For all football (the european one, not the US one) fans out there, you are in for a treat: We are happy to announce, that we will live stream selected events of this year’s European Cup!

This will take place in the big GHH lecture hall or HS002, depending on the date. Of course participating is completely free for all of you! The door’s open 30 minutes before the start of the game.

Of course we will also offer some cheap drinks for you to buy so you don’t need to go thirsty. You are responsible for bringing your own snacks, though 😉

For now, we will definitely show all German matches of the group phase. However, we also plan to show some matches from the KO phase. More information on that will follow at a later point!

We are also looking for volunteers who are willing to assist us during these events to sell the drinks. If you are up for that, please write a mail to Lukas! Your help will be rewarded with free drinks and the eternal gratitude of our organization team!

Lastly a brief overview of the matches that we are gonna show:

  • Germany – Scotland: 14th of June, 21:00/9PM in GHH (E2.2)
  • Germany – Hungary: 19th of June, 18:00/6PM in HS002 (E1.3)
  • Germany – Switzerland: 23rd of June, 21:00/9PM in GHH (E2.2)
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Video & Board Game Night

It’s that time again, this Friday, 7 June we are organising another Video & Board Game Night and this time back at MMCI E1.7.

You can expect several game consoles in the Foyer, on which you can play Mario Kart, Just Dance, Smash or whatever you feel like playing. We will also continue to use the seminar rooms for board games so that you can let off steam undisturbed. Furthermore, a big round of Werewolf is planned at 9pm, which is a perfect chance to get to know some new faces in a larger group. You are all welcome to bring your own games to give us a little more choice.

As always, we’ll be ordering pizza at 8pm, so remember to bring cash if you want to join us and we’ll also be selling drinks on site for a small and fair price (but don’t worry it’s not compulsory to buy drinks from us – you’re welcome to bring your own).

We look forward to welcoming you this Friday, see you there, your Student Council.

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Discontinuation of the Cooperation with the NEXT Career Fair

Dear Fellow Students,

Many of you may be familiar with the NEXT career fair. Those of you who have been at university for a longer period of time may even remember its predecessor, the FiT.

Organizing career fairs at the SIC has been an integral part to our students’ council work for over 25 years. For many years, we have solely organised the “Firmeninformationstage” (FiT, “Company Information Days”). For a few years, the main organisation of the job fair has been taken over by the Career Center (Triathlon) of the university. The Students’ Council was still a major part of these job fairs, especially in the set-up, planning assistance and the support of exhibitors.

The cooperation with Triathlon was specified in a separate cooperative contract. This contract was cancelled by Triathlon at the end of last year, due to a shift in responsibilities required from the Students’ Council and the responsibilities laid down in the contract. However, both Triathlon and the Students’ Council were both interested in specifying a new contract to continue this cooperation.

After long and difficult negotiations with Triathlon, we want to inform you that we could not come down to terms that would have been agreeable for both sides. For this reason, the Students’ Council has decided in a recent internal meeting to discontinue the cooperation with Triathlon regarding the NEXT career fair.

The reasons for this decision are manyfold. While the organisation of the FiT, and later the first years of the NEXT, was carried out with a lot of passion and conviction by the involved members, this has increasingly faded in the last years. NEXT increasingly changed from a persuasion project to an “obligation”, sometimes even a burden. One reason for this is, that the NEXT itself has evolved. From a career fair aimed at Computer Scientists, to a career fair aimed at ALL students. A development that we generally encourage and want to support. However, it also comes with new responsibilities and additional workload for us. In our negotiations with Triathlon we could not find a consensus how these shall be considered in the future.

Therefore, we have decided not to involve ourself with the NEXT career fair for the time being. We would rather use the freed up resources and time to commit ourself even more to our existing events and maybe even establish some new ones.

This of course does not mean, that the NEXT will disappear. The Triathlon Transfer GmbH will continue to organize and carry out the NEXT. It is simply us as the Students’ Council that will not be involved any more. Therefore we will also not actively advertise the NEXT career fair on our established communication channels.

Even though we now go separate ways in terms of the NEXT career fair, we would like to thank Triathlon for the cooperation in the last few years. The discussions and plannings for the next were often very productive and we appreciated the constructive discourse with the employees of Triathlon. We wish them most of success for the upcoming NEXT.

If you, the students of the SIC still have questions regarding this decision, feel free to contact us via our established communication channels.

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Pub Crawl

At long last, the time has finally come! Join us Thursday, May 30th for our FSR pub crawl!

Register by May 23 via the link below so that we can plan accordingly and secure your place in a pub crawl group.

Meeting point for the pregame will be at the Saarbrücker Staatstheater at 18:30. Afterwards, starting 19:45, we will tour Saarbrücken’s bars and pubs in groups. If you forgot to register, you may still join us at the Staatstheater before we start the Pub Crawl, however we cannout guarantee that we will have space for you to join the actual Pub Crawl.

All participants receive a FREE beer!1

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RindPhi Quiz Night May 2024

The RindPhi Quiz Night once again returns for its fifth iteration, after a short pause. This time, we are hosted by the Heimbar/Atrium of the Waldhaus Dormitory [1]. The Quiz Night happens there on May 10th. As per usual you can join up in teams of up to 6 persons.

In this Quiz Night you can join together as a team with your friends and challenge your fellow students and other participating teams in a competition for knowledge, wisdom and honor. Our moderator will challenge your minds in four exciting categories!

As usual, the winning team claims the reward of a 20€ iCoffee Gift card!

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