Student Working Rooms

There are working rooms in the buildings of computer science and mathematics that can be used by all students of both departments. Currently, all rooms except the computer room are open during the opening times without prior registration.

Student Working Rooms

All buildings are open to everyone Monday to Friday until 8pm. After 8pm and on Saturdays you may only use the entrance door of E1.3 (next to iCoffee). The buildings are closed on Sundays and during the winter holidays. During the opening times doors are unlocked and can be simply pushed open to enter.

E1.3row style seating: 013, 103 (Silent Room), 104
group tables: 105, 106
E2.4row style seating: 007
group tables: 008

Additionally you can use the seminar rooms in E1.3 (014, 015, 016, 107) from Monday to Friday, if there are no tutorials (see room booking system).

Computer Room

Students of Computer Science and related programmes can use the computer room (“CIP Pool”) of Bioinformatics on the first floor of E2.1. You might have to request access to the room; information on that is posted on its door. To log on to the computers use your personal SIC credentials. In case of issues with the computers refer to the contact details posted in the room.

The former computer room 104 in E1.3 is out of operation.

E2.1row style seating: 0031
  1. The computer room is also sometimes used for courses. During these, the room cannot be used. ↩︎

Students’ Council Seminar Room

In addition to the Department’s working rooms and the Computer Room, the Student Council manages its own Student room, free to use for all affiliated students. In addition, it can also be reserved in case you need space for events. You can find more information about reservation and access here.

Request Room Access

For most rooms no explicit permission needs to be granted to you. However, in the event that for a room explicit permission is actually needed, when requesting access you usually have to provide the following pieces of information:

  • Full Name
  • Matriculation Number
  • Card Number

Refer to the image to find your matriculation and card number.