
Breakfast & Lunch April 2024

We are happy to also announce our free breakfasts in the new semester!

It will take place on April 23rd starting at 09:30 AM in our students’ council rooms (E1.3 R109)! Join us for some bread buns with various toppings (vegan options are also available!), fresh fruits and a variety of hot and cold drinks. And of course coffee… Loads of coffee

To give you enough energy for the new semester we will additionally start serving hot (vegan) tomato soup at around lunch time! So also join us there!

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Video & Board Game Night

This Friday, April 12th, we are once again hosting our game night on the first floor of E 1.3 from 6 p.m. As usual, there will be snacks and drinks and we will order pizza during the evening.

You are cordially invited to bring your favorite board game or console.

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SaarTex: A Thesis Template

For all of you who are writing or will soon be writing your thesis, we have good news: You can use the SaarTex LaTeX template to get started right away and not have to worry about structure, typography, the right BibLaTeX configuration etc. first. The template is available free of charge for all members of the faculty.


  • Bilingual: Both English and German are supported.
  • Structured: Includes a title page, table of contents, affidavit, bibliography and appendix. The structure is of course customizable.
  • Choose between our title page and other templates.
  • For students of computer science and mathematics.
  • Typographic best practices

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Transparency on our own behalf: “Fachschaftseuro”

It may have gone unnoticed by most of you, but the last year brought a big change for Students’ Councils: The informally called “Fachschaftseuro” (“Students’ Council Euro”), gave Students’ Councils from all fields of studies new and better ways to organize and finance events for their students.

What does that mean specifically? As you all know, you have to pay the Semesterbeitrag for each semester you are studying here at university. A small portion of that is a contribution to the general students body (“allgemeiner Studierendenbeitrag”); currently this contribution is 13€ per semester. This contribution goes into the students’ body funds and is administered by the StuPa (Student Parliament).

Since the last year, Students’ Council can request funds from this money to organize their events. How much exactly can they use? This mainly depends on the number of students, that a Students’ Council represents and is regulated by the Fachschaftsetat. In short: Each council gets a base amount of 200€ plus an additional 0,66€ for each student in their main subject. There are slightly differing amounts e.g. for teaching students as they are represented by multiple Students’ Councils.

We also made use of this fund throughout the last year to finance some of our events for you. In total, we used 1,525.98 € in the year 2023. We want to be fully transparent about our usage of these funds. Therefore, we have created a small summary into which events these funds went:

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RindPhi Quiz Night March 2024

The RindPhi Quiz Night once again returns for its fourth iteration, after a short pause. This time, we are hosted by the Heimbar of the Rotenberg Dormitory [1]. The Quiz Night happens there on March 08th. As per usual you can join up in teams of up to 6 persons.

In this Quiz Night you can join together as a team with your friends and challenge your fellow students and other participating teams in a competition for knowledge, wisdom and honor. Our moderator will challenge your minds in four exciting categories!

As usual, the winning team claims the reward of a 20€ iCoffee Gift card!

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To all students: General Assembly!

A general assembly of the student body is an event that does not happen every day. But this is exactly why it is all the more important that it’s happening again now: the AStA has announced that there will be an assembly on the future of the semester ticket and a potential switch to the Deutschlandticket.

This is certainly a very relevant date for all those who regularly use public transport to get to university, but all students are invited! Of course, participation is voluntary.

  • When: 31st January 2024 18:30
  • Where: E2.2 (Günther-Hotz-Hörsaal, GHH)
  • Online: According to the AStA yes, but more information will follow soon
  • Language: German only, but the AStA promised to provide english summaries
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Niko-Fete 2023

We are happy to invite you all to this years Niko-Fete, our traditional Christmas Party!

This party takes place on December 6th, starting at 10AM in our rooms (E1.3 R109). As opposed to our breakfasts, this time we offer, fitting to the christmas theme, hot mulled wine (also without alcohol), hot chocolate. Additionally we will have freshly baked waffles and Crêpes with various toppings available! Of course we will also have a variety of christmas-themed snacks for you!

Like all our events, the Niko-Fete is completely free for all our students. However, we would still appreciate a small donation that will go toward a good cause. In this year, all your donations will go to the Tafel Saarbrücken (Food bank) and the Kältebus Saabrücken (Shelter for homeless people)

We are very happy that itestra is sponsoring this event and will even be present at the event! If you are looking for a job, no matter whether it is during your studies or afterwards, consider checking our the website of itestra. Alternatively you can also get in touch with them directly as they will present during the Niko-Fete with two Software Engineers!

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Advent of Code 2023 – FSR Leaderboard

Christmas season is upon us again, and as every year, some people are most looking forward to the curiosity of opening their advent calendar. And this year we have found another special calendar for you all: For the second year in a row, we present to you “Advent of Code”.

Advent of Code (AoC) is a digital advent calendar designed by computer scientists for computer scientists, and therefore contains small programming puzzles and challenges for you. Every day there is a two-part challenge, the solution of which can earn you up to two stars. You don’t need any prior knowledge of competitive programming or advanced algorithms and data structures to solve them. Best of all, you can use your favourite programming language. The puzzles are usually designed in such a way that you can quickly find the solution with logical-analytical thinking and a little puzzling. The puzzles are also part of a cute little story in which you can help Father Christmas to make Christmas really happen. In the end, AoC is not necessarily about solving all the puzzles – real fans just want to know the whole story.

But if you really want a challenge, then AoC has this up its sleeve for you: if you are particularly fast and one of the first 100 to solve the task of the day, you will receive points on the global leaderboard. The student council has also created a private leaderboard for you, where you can compete with all other SIC students. Rumour has it that professors are also on the board anonymously. It should be noted, however, that the puzzles for us are published at 06:00 in the morning – so if you want to climb to the top, you must be willing to get up early as well as being a good programmer.

We believe that Advent of Code is a great opportunity for all students to challenge themselves and expand their skillset through various problems. Therefore, there are no students at SIC who cannot benefit from it.

AoC starts on December 01st and ends December 25th. You can find more information on the AoC website:

To join the private FSR leaderboard, use our code 2253378-eb43346f on If you already participated last year, you are already part of the leaderboard and don’t need to do anything else.

Disclaimer: Advent of Code is not hosted or organised by the Student Council of Computer Science. We are just big fans of the concept and want to promote it at our faculty.

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Breakfast November 2023

We are happy to also announce our free breakfasts in the new semester!

It will take place on November 16th starting at 09:30 AM in our students’ council rooms (E1.3 R109)! Join us for some bread buns with various toppings (vegan options are also available!), fresh fruits and a variety of hot and cold drinks. And of course coffee… Loads of coffee

To make the cold autumn bit more bearable we will additionally start serving hot pumpkin soup at around lunch time! So also join us there!

We are thankful to DIaLOGIKa here from Saarbrücken who are sponsoring this event. DIaLOGIKa is always looking for interested and talented students who are looking for internships, working student positions or a full time job after finishing your degree. For more information about them, check out the Website of DIaLOGIKa.

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Busy Beaver Award Winners Summer Semester 2023

F.l.t.r.: Manuel(FSR), Julius(Concurrent Programming), Lukas(FSR), Clara(Concurrent Programming), Prof. Zeller, Oliver(Concurrent Programming), Dr. Krombholz

As for every semester, we once again awared the Busy Beaver for extraordinary for the best lectures and seminars in three different categories. During the semester opening ceremony, we awarded the following three prices:

  • Base Lectures: Concurrent Programming – Prof. Dr. Holger Hermanns, Felix Freiberger (Represented by their tutor team)
  • Core- and Advanced Lectures: Usable Security & Privacy – Dr. Katharina Krombholz
  • Seminare: Specification-Based Testing and Debugging – Prof. Dr. Andreas Zeller, Dr. Dominic Steinhöfel

Congratulations to all winners!

Do you know an awesome lecture?

If you want to make suggestion about lectures and seminars that you think were awesome and deserve a price, please send us your feedback to:

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