Professor Hack has received an offer from another university and since we would like to keep him here, there will be a torch run this Friday, December 13, 2024, at 5:00 PM starting in the foyer of E1.3. We will do a short tour across the campus together.
Many of you have probably already had the pleasure of attending one of his events, e.g. during Programming 2 or Compiler Construction, and were able to see for yourselves that Prof. Hack is very much an enrichment for Saarbrücken Computer Science.
So, fellow students, grab your torches and let’s show our appreciation for his work and teaching! ❤️🔥
Of course, we will bring and provide you with torches. As additional motivation, after the tour there’ll be mulled wine and children’s punch.
By the way: If you have any anecdotes about Prof. Hack, please share them with Manuel so that he can include them in his speech.